Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Vol 1, No 1 (2013)


., I Gede Prasetyo Wibisana (Unknown)
., Drs.Gede Batan,MA (Unknown)
., I G A Lokita P Utami, S.Pd. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Mar 2014


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan teknik draw a story memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kompetensi siswa dalam menulis paragraf deskriptif dibandingkan siswa yang diajar menggunakan teknik konvensional. Dalam penelitian ini, Hipotesis Nol digunakan. Karena penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 279 siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 1 Pupuan. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah dengan teknik kluster untuk menentukan kelompok experimen dan kelompok kontrolnya. Desain penelitian ini adalah post-tes dan kelompok kontrol. Dimana hasil dari perlakuan dapat ditentukan melalui post-tes setelah perlakuan untuk melihat pengaruhnya pada kelompok eksperimen yang diajar menggunakan teknik draw a story dan kelompok kontrol yang diaajar dengan menggunakan teknik konvensional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rerata dari kelompok eksperimen adalah 92.87 dan rerata nilai pada kelompok kontrol adalah 86.2. Melalui nilai standar deviasi, dapat dilihat melalui tabel menunkukkan bahwa kelompok experimen memperoleh skor lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol. Standar deviasinya adakah 4.7 sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hanya 3.3. Dilihat dari rerata dan standar deviasi, dapat dinyatakan bahwa siswa pada kelompok eksperimen menghasilkan kompetensi yang lebih baik. Disamping itu, melalui tes hipotesis dapat dikatakan bahwa hipotesis-Null ditolak dalam penelitian ini. Dapat dilihat bahwa hasil t-test adalah tobs 6.292 lebih tinggi dari nilai tcv at 2.58 pada level 0.01. Penolakan terhadap hipotesis ini menandakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kompetensi siswa dalam menulis paragraf deskriptif antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan teknik draw a story dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan teknik konvensional. Kata Kunci : kompetensi menulis, teknik draw a story, paragraf deskriptif This study was conducted to find out whether there was significant difference of students’ competency in writing descriptive paragraph between students who were taught by using draw a story technique and those who were taught by using conventional teaching technique. In this study, the Null Hypothesis was used. Since this study was experimental group. The population was the eighth grade students in SMP N 1 Pupuan which was consisted of 279 students. Cluster random sampling was used to choose the experimental group and control group. The design of this study was a Posttest-Only Control Group Design. The result of the treatment was identified through post-test which was given at the end of the treatment to see the significant difference between the experimental groups who had been treated using draw a story technique and the control group who had been treated using the conventional teaching technique. The findings of the study showed that the mean score for experimental group was 92.87 and the mean score for the control group was 86.2. In term of standard deviation, it could be seen from the table that the experimental group had higher score than the control group. The standard deviation for experimental group was 4.7 and the control group was 3.3. Seen from the mean score and the standard deviation, it can be concluded that the students of the experimental received better competency. Besides, from the hypothesis testing, it can be said that the Null Hypothesis (Ho) used in this study was rejected. It can be seen brom the result of t-test in which tobs 6.292 was higher than the value of tcv at 2.58 at level significance 0.01. The rejection of null hypothesis means that there was a significant difference on students’ competency in writing descriptive paragraph between eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Pupuan who were taught by using draw a story technique and those who were taught by using conventional teaching technique.keyword : writing competency, draw a story technique, descriptive paragraph

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