Fakultas Pertanian
Vol 5, No 1 (2017)


Wendo, Wira Firdaus (Unknown)
Hamzah, Amir (Unknown)
Agastya, I Made Indra (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Jul 2019


Efforts to improve land with biochar as ameliorant materials can improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Biochar in the long term can increase soil fertility, especially on degraded soil. Soil is degraded not only because of its low fertility but also contamination especially heavy metals. This study aims to determine the growth of mustard plants on soil after remediation of the second planting period. This research was conducted in Sumberbrantas Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. The study used factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) method consisting of 3 replications. Factor I is wild plant species (T) consisting of 2 types, namely: T1: Lulang (Eleusine indica L.) and T2: Karmila (Carmila sp). Factor II is post-remediation soil with biochar (B), consisting of 4 types, namely: B0 = No Biochar, B1 = Biochar Straw Rice, B2 = Biochar Jengkok Tobacco, and B3 = Biochar Rice Husk + Jengkok Tobacco. Variables observed included plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), fresh weight of plants (g) and dry weight of plants (g). The data obtained from the research results were analyzed descriptively and continued with statistical analysis to compare the two treatment averages carried out further tests with the Smallest Significant Difference test (LSD) level of 5%. The results showed that the treatment of biochar jengkok tobacco + rice husk after remediation of planting lulang plants was able to increase the growth of mustard plants. This can be seen in the variable plant height 4 weeks after planting at 29.23 cm. The same thing can be seen in the number of leaves of 10.17 leaves. Parameters, wet weight and root weight were 118.73 g and 12.56 g / plant, respectively. Upaya perbaikan lahan dengan biochar sebagai bahan amelioran dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Biochar dalam jangka panjang mampu meningkatkan kesuburan tanah, terutama pada tanah yang terdegradasi. Tanah terdegradasi tidak hanya karena kesuburannya rendah tetapi juga tercemar terutama logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan tanaman sawi pada tanah pasca remediasi periode tanam kedua. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sumberbrantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial yang terdiri atas 3 ulangan. Faktor I adalah Jenis tanaman liar (T) terdiri dari 2 jenis yaitu : T1 : Lulangan (Eleusine indica L.) dan T2 : Karmila (Carmila sp). Faktor II adalah Tanah pasca remediasi dengan biochar (B), terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu : B0 = Tanpa Biochar, B1 = Biochar Jerami Padi, B2 = Biochar Jengkok Tembakau, dan B3 = Biochar Sekam Padi + Jengkok Tembakau. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (helai), bobot segar tanaman (g) dan bobot kering tanaman (g). Data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dilanjutkan analisis statistik untuk membandingkan dua rata-rata perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjutan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan pemberian biochar jengkok tembakau + sekam padi pasca remediasi penanaman tanaman lulangan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman sawi. Hal ini terlihat pada variabel tinggi tanaman umur 4 minggu setelah tanam sebesar 29,23 cm. Hal yang sama terlihat pada jumlah daun sebesar 10,17 helaian daun. Parameter , berat basah dan berat akar masing-masing sebesar 118,73 g dan 12,56 g/tanaman.

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