Resona : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat
Vol 3, No 2 (2019)


Hajeni Hajeni (Unknown)
Abdul Kadir (Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo)
Nurwahidin Hakim (Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo)

Article Info

Publish Date
04 Feb 2020


Abstrak. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan fungsi manajemen, bertujuan untuk: 1) mendeskripsikan model supervisi akademik pengawas dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo (2) mengetahui usaha pengawas dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo (3) menentukan faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan supervisi akademik pengawas pada Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Model Supervisi yang digunakan adalah model supervisi tradisional/konvensional. (2) Usaha yang dilakukan pengawas untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo belum maksimal karena tindak lanjut hasil supervisi. (3) Kendala tidak maksimalnya pelaksanaan supervisi oleh pengawas karena ketidaksiapan guru untuk disupervisi baik dari segi mental maupun kelengkapan administrasi. Penelitian berimplikasi pada perbaikan model supervisi akademik pengawas untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo, peningkatan usaha pengawas dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo serta meminimalisir faktor penghambat pelaksanaan supervisi akademik pengawas pada guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Palopo. Secara praktis, perlu peningkatan kompetensi pengawas, terutama kompetensi supervisi akademik yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas guru dan kualitas pembelajaran.  Abstract.  This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The approach used is the management function approach, aimed at describing the supervisory, knowing supervisors' efforts to enhance the competency of kindergarten teachers and determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of supervisory, academic supervision in kindergarten in Palopo City. The results of this study indicate that the Supervision Model used is a traditional/conventional supervision model which has not maximized yet. The second, Efforts by supervisors to improve the competency of kindergarten teachers have not been maximized because the follow-up to supervision results is only carried out by supervisors in the form of teacher working groups. The last result is about the obstacles, they were not the maximum implementation because teachers did not prepare to be supervised. The research has implications for improving the supervisory, academic supervision model to enhance the competency of kindergarten teachers in Palopo City, increasing supervisors' efforts to strengthen the competence of kindergarten teachers in Palopo City and minimizing the inhibiting factors for the implementation of supervisory, academic supervision on Kindergarten teachers in the City Palopo. Practically, it is necessary to increase the competency of supervisors, especially academic supervision competencies related to improving the quality of teachers and the quality of learning.

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