Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE
Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Maret 2020


Kania Kinasih (Universitas Diponegoro)
Edi Purwanto (Universitas Diponegoro)
Atiek Suprapti (Universitas Diponegoro)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Mar 2020


Abstract: This research is based on a new design on the pedestrian ways on MT. Haryono Street corridor of the Peterongan-Bangkong intersection, because the Semarang City Government made several changes to the pedestrian lane design in several locations, one of which was on MT. Haryono Street. Through this new pedestrian ways design, researchers will associate with mixed areas or mixed-use areas in the corridor that will be examined based on factors and indicators of the mixed area and pedestrian ways design. The purpose of this study is to determine the utilization of pedestrian ways in the mixed-use area which gets the highest priority based on pedestrian path users. Field data and interview results on pedestrian path users obtained were then analyzed using a qualitative deductive method combined with quantitative through sampling with purposive sampling. And it was concluded that the highest utilization of the new design of pedestrian ways in the MT Haryono Street is a function and activity.Keyword: Pedestrian ways’ utilization, mixed-use area, MT. Haryono street corridor, fuction and activityAbstrak: Penelitian ini didasari oleh desain baru pada jalur pedestrian di Jalan MT. Haryono koridor Peterongan-Perempatan Bangkong, karena Pemerintah Kota Semarang melakukan beberapa perubahan terhadap desain jalur pedestrian di beberapa lokasi, salah satunya di Jalan MT. Haryono. Melalui desain jalur pedestrian yang baru ini, peneliti akan mengkaitkan dengan area campuran atau mixed-use area pada koridor tersebut yang akan diteliti berdasarkan faktor-faktor dan indikator area campuran dan desain jalur pedestrian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pemanfaatan jalur pedestrian pada area mixed-use manakah yang mendapat prioritas paling besar berdasarkan pengguna jalur pedestrian. Data lapangan dan hasil wawancara pada pengguna jalur pedestrian yang didapat kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode deduktif kualitatif yang dikombinasikan dengan kuantitatif melalui pengambilan sample dengan purposive sampling. Dan didapatkan kesimpulan pemanfaatan paling tinggi dari desain baru jalur pedestrian Jalan MT. Haryono adalah fungsi dan aktivitas.Kata Kunci: Pemanfaatan jalur pedestrian, area mixed-use, koridor Jalan MT. Haryono, fungsi dan aktivitas

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture


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