Avesina : Media Informasi Ilmiah Universitas Islam Al-Azhar
Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina

Conversation Analysis: Communication Across Cultures

Lale Fatma Yulia Ningsih (Universitas Islam Al-Azhar)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Feb 2020


The study of intercultural communication continues to grow in importance in response to greater population mobility, migration and globalization. Communication across culture explores how cultural context affects the use and interpretation of language. It provides accessible and interdisciplinary introduction to language and language variations in intercultural communication. This is done by drawing on both classic and cutting-edge research from pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, anthropology and politeness study. This study aims to discuss the variety of linguistic and non-linguistic features generated by participants in social interaction. The first part will examine turn-taking dynamic in a conversation between three students who have different cultural backgrounds. Later, the last four sections of the study also take into account power relation among the participant, the collaboration, politeness strategy employed as well as embedded speech act in the conversation.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Public Health


Jurnal AVESINA diterbitkan mulai tahun 2009 dengan frekuensi 2 (dua) kali setahun oleh Universitas Islam Al-Azhar, berisi hasil penelitian dan ulasan ilmiah dalam bidang Teknik, Ekonomi Pertanian, Hukum, MIPA, Kesehatan, Biomedik, Kedokteran dan ...