Jurnal Borneo Administrator: Media Pengembangan Paradigma dan Inovasi Sistem Administrasi Negara
Vol 16 No 1 (2020): April 2020

Marginalisasi Kesejahteraan Hewan Akibat Ambisi Peningkatan Ekspor Minyak Sawit di Indonesia

Anggalih Bayu Muh. Kamim (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Muhammad Irsyad Abrar (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Apr 2020


The Indonesia Government has taken various measures to counter the European Union's policies which are considered will harmful the efforts to increase palm oil exports. However, the efforts of the Indonesian government to maintain the image of the palm oil commodity considered a hiding act from animal and human conflicts. One of which arises from the expansion of oil palm plantations. This study would explore the outbreak of animal and human conflicts affected by the expansion of oil palm plantations due to the ambition of increasing palm oil export. This research was a desk study conducted by tracing various journal articles, reports of oil palm plantation guard organizations, reports of civil society organizations related to deforestation of oil palm expansion and various reports of civil society organizations about cases between animal and human conflict. The results of the study showed that there had been a misunderstanding in understanding the European Union's decision, which would not impact on the decline in palm oil exports. Sustainable palm oil governance is not well implemented by oil palm companies and the Indonesian Government so that marginalizing animal life. The intensity of animal-human conflict continues to occur in various areas of oil palm concessions that lead to the threat wild animal life. Keywords: Palm Oil Exports, Animal-Human Conflict, Animal Welfare Abstrak Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai cara untuk mengkonter kebijakan Uni Eropa yang dianggap akan merugikan upaya peningkatan ekspor kelapa sawit. Akan tetapi, upaya pemerintah Indonesia menjaga citra komoditas minyak kelapa sawit seolah menutupi permasalahan konflik satwa dan manusia yang salah satunya muncul akibat ekspansi perkebunan sawit. Kajian ini akan mendalami merebaknya konflik satwa dan manusia yang terdampak ekspansi perkebunan sawit akibat ambisi peningkatan ekspor crude palm oil. Penelitian ini adalah desk study yang dilakukan dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap berbagai artikel jurnal, laporan organisasi pengawal perkebunan sawit, laporan organisasi masyarakat sipil yang terkait dengan deforestasi akibat ekspansi sawit, dan berbagai laporan organisasi masyarakat sipil mengenai kasus konflik antara satwa dan manusia. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa telah terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam memahami keputusan Uni Eropa yang sama sekali tidak akan berdampak pada berkurangnya ekspor minyak kelapa sawit. Tata kelola sawit berkelanjutan tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik oleh perusahaan sawit dan Pemerintah Indonesia, sehingga meminggirkan peri kehidupan hewan. Intensitas konflik satwa-manusia terus terjadi di berbagai wilayah konsesi sawit yang berujung pada keterancaman peri kehidupan binatang liar Kata Kunci: Ekspor Sawit, Konflik Satwa-Manusia, Kesejahteraan Hewan

Copyrights © 2020

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Social Sciences


Jurnal Borneo Administrator is a journal that dedicated to publishing and disseminating the results of research and development in public administration area. The scope of this journal covers experimental and analytical research in public administration areas. The topics include public policy, ...