Journal of Research and Educational Research Evaluation
Vol 3 No 2 (2014)


Pulungan, Delyanti Azzumarito (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Dec 2014


Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen literasi matematika model PISA (Programe International Student Assessment) untuk peserta didik usia minimal 15 tahun atau setingkat siswa SMA kelas X yang teruji kelayakan dan keunggulannya untuk mengukur literasi matematika siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development), dengan model Borg and Gall (2003). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan tes literasi matematika model PISA. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : 1) review dari ahli menyatakan instrumen tes literasi matematika model PISA yang berada pada kategori baik. 2) Hasil tanggapan peserta didik untuk aspek keterbacaan pada ujicoba one-to-one sebesar 90, 48% kategori sangat baik. 3) hasil uji validitas butir pada ujicoba luas diperoleh 33 butir valid dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,918. 4) hasil uji validitas konstruk diperoleh hasil bahwa setiap butir secara signifikan dapat mengukur 7 variabel literasi matematika, yaitu : komunikasi, matematisasi, menyajikan kembali, menalar dan memberi alasan, menggunakan strategi, menggunakan symbol, serta menggunakan alat matematika. 5) model konseptual literasi matematika model PISA yang dirancang berada pada kategori goodf fit dengan nilai RMSEA 0.019, CFI 0,91 dan GFI 1,00. 6) Instrumen tes literasi matematika model PISA Praktis kategori sangat baik dengan nilai sebesar 92%.The aim of this research is develop mathematic literacy PISA Model test for students at least 15 years of age or tenth grade level high school students who tested the feasibility and superiority to measure mathematical literacy. Type of research is research and development by Borg and Gall (2003) model. Methods of data collection is using a questionnaire and mathematics literacy PISA model test. Data were analyzed as descriptive and quantitative analysis. The results are: 1) Review of expert stated that the instrument tes of literacy mathematical PISA models d in good category. 2) the validity of the test obtained extensive trial valid from 33 grains with value of reliability 0.9 18. 3) The construct validity showed that each grain significantly measuring 7 of mathematical literacy variables: communication, matematisasi, restate, give reasoning reason, using strategy, using symbols, and using mathematical tools. 4) Construct validity of the test results also obtain a conceptual model of literacy PISA mathematical models that are designed to be in the category of good fit with a RMSEA by 0.019, CFI by 0,91 and GFI of 1.00. 5) The result of user feedback (teacher) to aspects of practicality as much as 92% with very good category.

Copyrights © 2014

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Journal of Research and Educational Research Evaluation is a fully refereed international journal publishing original academic articles that promote educational processes and outcomes that are both well-informed and evidence-based. The journal is deliberately multi-disciplinary and broad in its ...