Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Empati Edisi Juni 2020


MULYANI RAHAYU (Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan Depok)
ADE CICI ROHAYATI (Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan Depok)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jun 2020


Abstract. Talking about murder means talking about the perpetrator, the victim and the occurrence of the murder itself. Many questions arise about this type of crime, including who is the perpetrator, who is the victim, what is the motivation of the perpetrator to kill the life of the victim, how chronological the incident is and so on. Various studies on killings show that most perpetrators of murder are people who were previously known to the victim. When someone we don't know is killed, maybe we don't care too much about it. Different if the person killed is someone we know close, while the culprit is a member of his own family. You could think twice about ignoring it. It is interesting to look at what if the murder occurred in the family. Through qualitative research on five informants of murder cases in the family, the researchers tried to describe how the stages of interaction were carried out by the perpetrators and victims. The data obtained using this in-depth interview technique shows that before this event occurred, there was a strong interaction between the perpetrator and the victim. The occurrence of this event is not solely a one-sided perpetrator's action, but precisely the victim's step makes a big contribution so that he is killed. Actors and victims also go through several stages of interaction before ending in murder. However, there are also cases that do not go through the stages of the overall interaction. Abstrak. Bicara hal pembunuhan berarti bicara pelaku, korban, dan peristiwa pembunuhan tersebut. Banyak pertanyaan muncul soal tipe kejahatan ini, termasuk siapa pelaku, korban dan atas motif apa pelaku mengakhiri nyawa korban, bagaimana kronologi peristiwa tersebut dan semacamnya. Banyak kajian pembunuhan menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan pelaku pembunuhan adalah orang-orang yang sebelumnya dikenal oleh korban. Ketika seseorang yang tidak kita kenal terbunuh, mungkin kita tidak terlalu peduli. Beda cerita kalau yang terbunuh adalah orang yang kita kenal akrab, sedangkan pelakunya adalah anggota keluarganya. Kamu mungkin berpikir dua kali untuk mengabaikannya. Menarik untuk melihat bagaimana jika pembunuhan terjadi dalam keluarga. Melalui penelitian kualitatif terhadap lima kabar kasus pembunuhan di keluarga, peneliti mencoba mendeskripsikan bagaimana tahap-tahap interaksi terjadi antara pelaku dan korban. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara mendalam menunjukkan bahwa sebelum peristiwa terjadi, terdapat interaksi antara pelaku dan korban. Terjadinya peristiwa ini bukan semata-mata tindakan pelaku sepihak, tapi langkah korban turut andil besar sehingga ia terbunuh. Pelaku dan korban juga menjalani beberapa tahapan interaksi sebelum berakhir dalam pembunuhan. Tetapi banyak juga kasus yang tidak melalui tapahan tersebut secara keseluruhan.

Copyrights © 2020

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Social Sciences


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