Melayu Arts and Performance Journal
Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Melayu Art and Performance Journal


Topan Dewa Gugat (Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang, Indonesia)
Sulaiman Sulaiman (Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang, Indonesia)
Sahrul Nazar (Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang, Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Jan 2020


ABSTRACTThe act of Wayang Padang generally tells about the threat of disintegration behind the turmoil of political world, indecision in the establishment of various regulations, disunity of a number of political parties, selective application of law, and endless corruption. These threats as if the fire in the husk, it cannot be seen from the outside but it’s on fire inside. All forms of  this turmoil are fire dots that’s getting bigger and bigger and then burnt down the pillar of this nation. Therefore, it can be concluded that Wisran Hadi through Wayang Padang  wants to rebuke and give awareness toward this nation. The process of film making done was fiction film with the style of French New Wave. Fiction film is often called as the type of second film. Fiction film should be tied to the plot and the story presented must be out of reality (scriptwriter’s imagination). Keywords: Wayang Padang, French New Wave, Film, Drama  ABSTRAKLakon Wayang Padang secara umum bercerita tentang ancaman desintegrasi dibalik kesemrawutan dunia politik, tarik ulur dalam berbagai penetapan undang-undang, perpecahan sejumlah partai, penerapan hukum yang tebang pilih, dan korupsi yang entah kapan berakhir.  Ancaman ini bagai api dalam sekam, tak tampak dari luar tapi nyala di dalam. Segala bentuk kesemrawutan itu adalah titik-titik api yang terus membesar, menjalar, dan membakar persendian bangsa. Maka dari itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Wisran Hadi melalui Wayang Padang ingin menegur dan memberikan penyadaran terhadap bangsa ini. Proses penciptaan film yang dilakukan adalah film fiksi dengan gaya French New Wawe. Film fiksi sering juga disebut dengan jenis film kedua, film fiksi sebaiknya harus terikat dengan plot dan cerita yang disajikan harus diluar kenyataan (imajinasi penulis scenario). Katakunci: wayang padang, french new wave, film, drama

Copyrights © 2019

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Arts Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


Melayu Arts and Performance Journal (MAPJ) is the Scientific Journal focusing on the study of performing arts and visual arts, as well as the development of methods for the creation of performing arts and visual ...