These proceedings represent the work of researchers participating in The International Conference on Elementary Education (ICEE) which is being hosted by the Elementary Education Study Programme School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Proceedings The 3rd International Conference on Elementary Education

How Effective is Mathematical Self-Efficacy Influencing Interpersonal Intelligence of Elementary School Students

Yuliyanto, Aan (Unknown)
Yulianto, Ade (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Apr 2021


The benefits of mathematical self-efficacy as a driver of students in facing their challenges in learning mathematics, and students' interpersonal intelligence as the ability of students to interact with people around them in learning. This research was inspired to provide an understanding of the relationship between mathematical self-efficacy and students' interpersonal intelligence. The research applied the correlational method. Participants as a sample in the study were 27 first-grade elementary school students in Purwakarta. Instruments in measuring mathematical self-efficacy used questionnaires and interpersonal intelligence was measured by observation. The findings of this research inform us that there is no significant relationship between students' mathematical self-efficacy and the interpersonal intelligence of elementary school students. Furthermore, mathematical self-efficacy had a very limited influence on students' interpersonal intelligence. Thus, an increase or decrease in mathematical self-efficacy cannot be guaranteed to also occur in the interpersonal intelligence of elementary school students

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Mathematics Social Sciences


Mathematics, Science and Social Education, Higher Level Thinking Skills Learning (HOTS), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Classroom Today, Society Era 5.0, Cooperative/Collaborative Learning, Multicultural Education and Inclusive Education, School Leadership and Management, ...