Jurnal Sosioteknologi
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2015)


Chairil Nur Siregar (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2015


Saumlaki terletak di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat. Saumlaki memiliki Blok Masela yang merupakan penghasil gas terbesar di Indonesia. Eksplorasi gas alam di Saumlaki dilakukan secara besar-besaran dengan padat modal, penuh risiko, dan menggunakan teknologi canggih. Eksplorasi tersebut membawa dampak positif dan negatif pada masyarakat Saumlaki. Dari segi social community yang dimiliki masyarakat Saumlaki, kegiatan eksplorasi gas alam ini berkontribusi terhadap social capital di antaranya natural capital, human capital, dan produced economic capital. Dari aspek produced economic capital, eksplorasi ini berkontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui berbagai kegiatan. Dari segi human capital, adanya eksplorasi ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat terutama pada aspek pendidikan dan komunikasi. Selain itu, eksplorasi gas alam ini pun berdampak terhadap natural capital terutama pada energi gas alam serta perkembangan flora dan fauna. Hal lain yang tidak dapat dipungkiri dari kegiatan eksplorasi ini adalah dampak patologi sosial. Mengingat dalam kegiatan eksplorasi tersebut banyak melibatkan tenaga kerja yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri, tentu saja para tenaga kerja tersebut akan membawa karakter dan budaya yang berbeda dengan masyarakat Saumlaki.Kata kunci: community social, natural capital, human capital, produced economic capita, patologi sosialSaumlaki is located in West Southeast Maluku District. Saumlaki has Masela Block which is the largest gas producer in Indonesia. Natural gas exploration in Saumlaki is done on a large scale with the capital-intensive, risky, and the use of advanced technology. The exploration has brought about positive and negative impacts on Saumlaki society. In terms of the social community's of Saumlaki, natural gas exploration activities have contributed to the social capital of which are natural capital, human capital, and produced economic capital. From the aspect of produced economic capital, this exploration has contributed to the welfare of the community through various activities. From the aspect of human capital, the existence of this exploration can improve the ability of people, especially in terms of education and communication. In addition, natural gas exploration is also an impact on the natural capital, especially in the natural gas energy and the development of flora and fauna. Another thing that cannot be denied of this exploration is the impact of social pathology. Since the exploration activities involve workers coming from inside and outside the country, the laborers bring different character and culture from the community of Saumlaki.Keywords: community social, natural capital, human capital, produced economic capita, pathology social

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Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and ...