Jurnal Sosioteknologi
Vol. 17 No. 3 (2018)


Desy Nurcahyanti (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Fine Art Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Design)
Tiwi Bina Affanti (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Textile and Craft Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Design)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Jan 2019


Pasar nasional, regional, dan internasional menampilkan batik sebagai subjek representasi Indonesia dengan nilai-nilai dan makna luhur. Kemajuan teknologi informasi memberikan peluang tanpabatas untuk pengembangan batik. Permasalahan muncul ketika praktisi, pemerintah, pemegang modal,dan akademisi mendapat tantangan dari pasar untuk menampilkan kebaruan. Tantangan tersebut bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas batik di era industri kreatif. Pengusaha dan perajin batik berperan menjawab tantangan dengan inovasi pengembangan produk.Kebaruan konsep pengembangan desain batik kontemporer Indonesia secara garis besar terletak pada potensi unggulan daerah dan kearifan lokal masyarakat. Konsep pengembangan berbasis kearifan lokal bersifat strategis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan budaya visual, dari aspek fenomena sosial dan pasar. Penerapan konsep pada sentra usaha dan batik di seluruh Indonesia efektif menjaga keberlangsungan usaha batik. Ciri khas disesuaikan dengan potensi unggulan dan budaya tradisi serta menambahkan unsur tren di masyarakat.  National, regional and international markets represented batik as Indonesian heritage with supreme values and meanings. Information technology progress provides unlimited opportunities for batik development. Problems arise when practitioners, government, capital holders and academics was challenged by the market to display novelty and sanity. The purpose of this challenge is to improve batik's quality and quantity in the creative industries era. Entrepreneurs and batik artisans respond to this challenge with product innovations. The novelty of developing Indonesian contemporary batik design concept was broadly shown in the superior potential aspect of region and communities local wisdom. The concepts of local wisdom-based development are strategic. This research used qualitative method, visual culture approach from social phenomena and market aspect. That application works out into business centers and batik clusters. It is effective to maintain the sustainability of batik business in Indonesia. Finally, batik's characters are adapted to superior potential, traditional culture, and added elements of trends in society.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and ...