Jurnal Sosioteknologi
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019)


Intan Rizky Mutiaz (KK Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2019


Media sosial telah berhasil membangun realitasnya sendiri di dunia maya, berdampingan dengan dunia nyata sebagai akibat adanya komunikasi antara individu dalam memaknai realitas dunia nyata dan diunggah menjadi konten di media sosial. Unggahan selebgram merupakan relasi antara idola dan penggemar yang memperkuat terjadinya konvergensi simbolik dan kesadaran kelompok yang kohesi karena selebgram menjadi influencer bagi generasi milenial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui konstruksi realitas simbolik dari selebgram sebagai influencer generasi milenial di media sosial melalui tema fantasi yang menimbulkan kesadaran bersama dan realitas simbolik bersama. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma naratif dengan pengumpulan data interpretatif dan pendekatan analisis melalui Fantasy Theme Analysis (FTA). Objek penelitian ini adalah 3 selebgram yaitu Awkarin, Princess Syahrini, dan Raden Rauf dengan pertimbangan memiliki follower banyak, aktif bermedia sosial, dan fenomenal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan para selebgram membangun interaksi dengan penggemarnya dengan memanfaatkan tema fantasi untuk menghasilkan kebersamaan, kedekatan, makna, motif, serta perasaan bersama hasil konstruksi realitas simbolik bersama.  Social media has succeeded in building its own reality in cyberspace. It is side by side with the real world as a result of communication between individuals in interpreting real-world reality which is uploaded into "content" on the social media. Some uploads from celebrities Instagram are a relationship between idols and their fans which strengthens the occurrence of symbolic convergence and cohesive group awareness, because all of celebrities Instagram become influencers for the millennial generation. The purpose of this study is to discover the construction of symbolic reality from various celebrities Instagram as the influencers of millennial generation on the social media through fantasy themes that raise the shared awareness and shared symbolic reality. The method used in this study was the narrative paradigm with interpretive data collection. It also employed analytical approaches through Fantasy Theme Analysis (FTA). The objects of this study were three celebrities: Awkarin, Princess Syahrini, and Raden Rauf with a consideration of having many followers, active social media, and being phenomenal. The results of this study indicate that celebrities build interaction with their fans by utilizing fantasy themes to produce togetherness, closeness, meaning, motives, and shared feelings as a result of the construction of shared symbolic reality.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and ...