Jurnal Yudisial
Vol 9, No 3 (2016): [DE]KONSTRUKSI HUKUM


Mei Susanto (Departemen Hukum Tata Negara, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 21, Bandung 40132)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Dec 2016


ABSTRAKDalam literatur hukum tata negara, persoalan mengenai makna hak prerogatif sebagai salah satu kekuasaan presiden, sering kali menimbulkan perbedaan dan perdebatan. Hak prerogatif merupakan kekuasaan istimewa yang dimiliki oleh seorang presiden tanpa dapat dicampuri oleh lembaga lainnya. Pandangan tersebut seolah-olah menempatkan presiden memiliki kewenangan yang sangat mutlak dan tidak dapat dibatasi sesuai prinsip checks and balances dalam ajaran konstitusi yang dianut Indonesia. Putusan Nomor 22/PUU/-XIII/2015 tentang pengujian Undang-Undang Kepolisian, Undang-Undang Pertahanan, dan Undang-Undang TNI mengenai persoalan pengisian jabatan Kapolri dan Panglima TNI yang mengharuskan adanya persetujuan DPR layak untuk dijadikan bahasan ulasan. Karena persetujuan DPR tersebut dianggap “mengganggu” hak prerogatif presiden. Perkembangan pemikiran mengenai pemaknaan hak prerogatif presiden dalam Putusan Nomor 22/PUU-XIII/2015, dapat dilihat dalam tiga kelompok besar, yaitu: pandangan ahli, pandangan mayoritas hakim, dan pandangan satu orang hakim yang menyatakan concurring opinion (pendapat berbeda). Tulisan ini hendak mengulas pendapat para ahli tersebut, khususnya berkaitan dengan pemaknaan hak prerogatif sesuai dengan fokus tulisan. Beberapa pandangan berkaitan dengan pemaknaan hak prerogatif dalam Putusan Nomor 22/PUU-XIII/2015 merupakan sumbangsih pemikiran dalam hukum tata negara, untuk kemudian dapat direkonstruksi dan memberikan makna yang lebih esensial dari hak prerogatif.Kata kunci: hak prerogatif, kekuasaan presiden, konstitusi.ABSTRACTIn the sphere of constitutional law, the issue of prerogative construal as one of the president’s powers, often leads to different opinions and arguments. Prerogative is a distinct power held by the president, which cannot be interfered with by other agencies. The perspective seems to indicate that the president has an absolute authority that cannot be limited by the checks and balances in the principles of constitutional law employed in Indonesian law. The Constitutional Court Decision Number 22/PUU/-XIII/2015 concerning judicial review of the Law on Indonesian National Police, the Law on Indonesian Defense, and Law on Indonesian National Armed Forces on the issue of filling the positions of the Chief of Indonesian National Police and the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces requiring the approval of Parliament became the subject of discussion in this analysis, given the House of Representative’s approval is measured an “intervention” to the prerogative of the president. The development of perspective on the construal of the prerogative of the president in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 22/PUU-XIII/2015 is divided into three major groups, i.e. the perspective of the experts, the perspective of the majority of judges, and the perspective of one judge stating a concurring opinion. This analysis proposes to review the opinion of the experts, especially those relating to the construal of the prerogative as the focus of discussion. Several perspectives on the construal of the prerogative in Constitutional Court Decision Number 22/PUU-XIII/2015 are considered as conceptual contributions to the Constitutional Law, which could then be reconstructed to provide more essential construal of the prerogative.Keywords: prerogative, powers of the president, constitution.

Copyrights © 2016

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Environmental Science Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


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