Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
Vol 20, No 2 (2021): MEKANIKA: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika

Lunch Box Innovation Product Design In The Millennial Era

Bayu Pranoto (Malang State Polytechnic)
Hilmi Iman Firmansyah (Unknown)
Hangga Wicaksono (Unknown)
Muhammad Fakhruddin (Unknown)
Rilis Eka Perkasa (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Sep 2021


Almost of kids in the world still bring a lunch box and a bottle of water in their bag when their go to school. His mother always prepares a lunch box complete with a bottle of drinking water, hoping that his son can enjoy his favorite lunch and avoid starvation. Sometimes the mother is very worried when the lunch box has been brought by the child but the water bottle is left behind. Then the mother was willing to take her child's water bottle to her school. This is certainly not expected by either the mother or the child. As a form of concern for the author to this problem, the author proposes a lunch box design with a lunch box lid that also functions as a drinking water bottle. The idea of this design proposal is ones grab, both are food & drink in your hand. The goal is how to make a kids can grab their food and drink easily and practice. So it is proposed to modify a top cover of common foodpack to become a drink bag. The design process begins with analyzing market needs, making sketches, creating 3D design models using the Autodesk Inventor CAD application, material selection, and product evaluation.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info






"Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika" is an open-access journal published by Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Mekanika invites scholars, researchers and practioners who have interest in mechanical engineering to publish their articles and also ...