Jurnal Bioleuser
VOL 3, NO 1 (2019): April 2019

Initial study of vinegar production made from low quality rice using a Batch type fermenter

Andri Pohan (Unknown)
Noer Octaviana Maliza (Unknown)
Muhammad Ikhsan Sulaiman (Unknown)
Dewi Yunita (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Nov 2020


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dari komoditi beras lokal turun mutu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan fermentor tipe batch. Proses pembuatan cuka dilakukan dengan metode fermentasi dua tahap yaitu fermentasi alkohol dan fermentasi asam asetat. Pada fermentasi alkohol, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ditambahkan sebanyak 10% dari volume bubur beras (beras:air = 1:2, b/v) dan fermentasi berlangsung secara anaerob selama 7 hari. Pada fermentasi asam asetat, Acetobacter aceti ditambahkan sebanyak 10% dari volume bubur beras setelah fermentasi alkohol dan fermentasi berlangsung secara aerob selama 16 hari. Analisis terhadap perubahan komposisi di dalam substrat dilakukan secara triplo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fermentasi selama 23 hari pada formulasi yang dilakukan hanya mampu mengkonversi 50% kadar gula.  Produk akhir cuka beras yang dihasilkan memiliki kadar gula 2.62%, kadar alkohol 0.040%, dan kadar asam asetat 2.64%. Optimasi sistem aerator pada fermentor perlu dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan kondisi anaerob.This research aimed to increase the added value of the low quality of local rice commodity. The study was conducted using a batch type fermenter. The production of rice vinegar was conducted by two-stage fermentation methods; namely, alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation. In alcoholic fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was added 10% of the volume of rice porridge (rice: water = 1: 2, w/v) and it was fermented anaerobically for 7 days. In acetic acid fermentation, Acetobacter aceti was added 10% of the volume of rice porridge after alcoholic fermentation and it was fermented aerobically for 16 days. Analysis of changes in composition in the substrate was carried out in triple. The results showed that fermentation for 23 days in the formulation carried out was only able to convert 50% of the sugar content. The final product of rice vinegar produced a sugar content of 2.62%, alcohol content of 0.040% and acetic acid content of 2.64%. Optimization of the aerator system in the fermenter should be done to optimize the anaerobic conditions.

Copyrights © 2019

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Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology


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