Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies


Kholishuddin Kholishuddin (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Sep 2020


Aspek tsubut dan dilalah mayoritas hadis adalah zanniyat sehingga para ulama mempunyai kesempatan menginterpretasikan maksud hadits tersebut. Terutama hadis yang bukan ibadah mahdah. Namun, pemahaman hadis secara literal tanpa melibatkan sabab wurud, setting sosial akan menampilkan wajah Islam yang tidak responsif dan rigid terhadap arus perubahan yang terus berlangsung. Untuk mengatasinya, perlu adanya pendekatan khusus. Artikel ini berfokus pada bagaimana penggunaan Maqasid al-Shari’ah sebagai Instrument pendekatan dalam upaya kontekstualisasi makna literal hadis. Penelitian ini mencari pemahaman yang relevan di zaman sekarang dengan membandingkan pemahaman Yusuf Qardawi dalam kaifa nata’ammal ma’a al-sunnah al-nabawiyah dan penjelasan al-munawi dalam faid al-qadir sharh jami’ al-saghir  mengenai empat hadis pilihan. Artikel ini menggunakan manhaj maqasidi sebagai alat analisa. Hasilnya, pendekatam maqasid shari’ah yang menekankan pada dalil-dalil umum dan berorentasi pada maslahah, nilai-nilai, ‘illal , hikmah dan asas rasional, dapat menghadirkan keluwesan dan kelenturan teks hadis melalui makna kontekstualnya. Sedangkan pendekatan ulama salaf juga dapat menjadi luwes dengan metode jam’u adillah atau intertekstualnya.Kata kunci: Maqasid Shari’ah, Konstekstual, TekstualAbstractAspects of tsubut and dilalah from the majority of hadith is zanniyat, so that the scholars have the opportunity to interpret the meaning of the hadith. Especially hadith that is not pure form of worship Allah. However, understanding the hadith literally without involving the cause of existence, social settings will present the riggid an unresponsive face of Islam. To overcome this, a special approach is needed. This article focuses on how the use of Maqasid al-Shari’ah as an Instrument approach in an effort to contextualize the literal meaning of hadith. This study seeks relevant understanding in modern times by comparing the understanding of Yusuf Qardawi in kaifa nata'ammal ma'a al-sunnah al-nabawiyah and the explanation of al-Munawi in faid al-qadir sharh jami' al-saghir on four optional hadiths. This article uses manhaj maqasidi as an analysis tool. As a result, the approach of maqasid shari'ah which emphasizes on general propositions and is oriented on maslahah, values, ‘illal, wisdom and rational basis, can present the flexibility and responsiveness of the hadith through it’s contextual meaning. While the approach of Salaf scholars can also be flexible with jam'u adillah or it’s intertextual concept.Keywords: Maqasid Shari’ah, Contextual, Textual

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Religion Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


NABAWI: Journal of Hadith Studies provide a platform for researchers on hadith and history of hadith. Author can send his research about hadith on any perspective. Nevertherless, We suggest the following broad areas of research: 1. Takhrij and dirasat al-asanid 2. Ulumul Hadith 3. Living Hadith 4. ...