Vol 17, No 2 (2021)

The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Based on the Learning Management System on Critical Thinking Skills of Electronics Course Students

Ramdhani, Mohamad (Unknown)
Aprillia, Bandiyah Sri (Unknown)
Kustiawan, Iwan (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Nov 2021


This study aims to apply problem-based learning (PBL) by utilizing the Center for e-Learning and Open Education (CELOE) Learning Management System (LMS) and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of PBL on the LMS CELOE media in improving students' critical thinking problem-solving skills in the Electronics course. The Classroom Action Research Method (CAR) applies the research model initiated by Kemmis and Mc Taggart. Based on the observation results, LMS-based Project Based Learning is able to improve students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the Electronics course. This statement can be confirmed from the results of repeated observations, namely the first and second cycles provide an increase in the post-test scores compared to the pretest scores. The level of effectiveness of the PBL method for Electronics courses in LMS in an effort to improve critical thinking, reached a value of 78% or can be said to be effective. In addition, the existence of discussion forums makes students active in communicating during the problem-solving process.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Education Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy


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