Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Vol 17, No 2 (2012): JPMIPA: Volume 17, Issue 2, 2012


Budiman Anwar (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
Rd. r. Srie Ernawati (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
Rahmat Setiadi (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
Wiji Wiji (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jul 2021


ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian yang menghasilkan representasi kimia berbasis intertekstual berupa multimedia pada sub-konsep konfigurasi elektron berdasarkan model atom Bohr yang diperluas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif dan evaluatif yang merupakan bagian dari Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R D). Prosedur penelitian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan kerja, yaitu: (1) penentuan materi subjek, (2) kajian standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar yang terdapat pada standar isi serta contoh silabus BSNP untuk menentukan indikator dan konsep, (3) pengumpulan multimedia existing, (4) analisis multimedia existing berdasarkan kajian aspek konten, pedagogi, dan multimedia, (5) pembuatan script dan storyboard yang divalidasi berdasarkan aspek konten dan pedagogi, (6) revisi script dan storyboard, (7) pembuatan multimedia yang kemudian di validasi pada aspek multimedia. Multimedia ini kemudian ditanggapi oleh guru dan siswa untuk mengetahui kualitas multimedia berdasarkan kriteria/ indikator yang telah ditentukan melalui angket. Hasilnya diolah secara deskriptif persentase. Angket diberikan kepada lima orang guru mata pelajaran Kimia dan 30 orang siswa SMA kelas XI dan XII yang telah mempelajari mengenai sub-konsep konfigurasi elektron berdasarkan model atom Bohr yang diperluas. Berdasarkan data angket guru diperoleh hasil bahwa tingkat persetujuan terhadap: (1) kualitas multimedia adalah 84%, (2) kejelasan penyampaian materi/ konsep adalah 96%, (3) peran multimedia adalah 100%, dan (4) pengembangan multimedia adalah 100%. Secara keseluruhan respon guru terhadap multimedia terletak pada daerah positif. Berdasarkan data angket siswa diperoleh hasil bahwa tingkat persetujuan terhadap: (1) motivasi pada multimedia adalah 85.31%, (2) konten pada multimedia adalah 84.7%, (3) navigasi pada multimedia adalah 86%, (4) multimedia dan interaktivitasnya adalah 90.84%, dan (5) tampilan multimedia adalah 86.77%. Secara keseluruhan respon siswa terhadap multimedia terletak pada daerah setuju. Dengan demikian representasi kimia sekolah berbasis intertekstual pada sub-konsep konfigurasi elektron model atom Bohr yang diperluas dalam bentuk multimedia yang telah dikembangkan dapat digunakan.ABSTRACTHas done research that results in the form of textual representations of chemical-based multimedia sub-concept of electron configurations based on the extended Bohr model of the atom. This study used a descriptive and evaluative methods that are part of the Research and Development (R D). Procedure of the research work carried out in several stages, namely: (1) determination of the subject matter, (2) a standard assessment and basic competencies contained in content standards and sample syllabi BSNP to define indicators and concepts, (3) existing multimedia collection, (4 ) analysis of existing multimedia based study aspects of content, pedagogy, and multimedia, (5) creation scripts and storyboards are validated based on aspects of content and pedagogy, (6) the revised script and storyboard, (7) multimedia creation later in the validation of the multimedia aspect. Multimedia is then taken up by teachers and students to determine the quality of multimedia based on the criteria / indicators that have been determined through a questionnaire. The results are processed by descriptive percentages. Questionnaires given to five teachers of Chemistry subjects and 30 high school students of class XI and XII who have studied the concept of sub-electron configuration by the extended Bohr model of the atom. Based on data from the teacher questionnaire obtained results that the level of agreement to: (1) multimedia quality is 84%, (2) clarity of delivery of materials / concepts was 96%, (3) the role of multimedia is 100%, and (4) development of multimedia is 100% . Overall the response of teachers to the multimedia lies in the positive region. Based on data from student questionnaires obtained results that the level of agreement to: (1) multimedia motivation is 85.31%, (2) the contents of multimedia is 84.7%, (3) navigation in multimedia is 86%, (4) multimedia and interaktivitasnya is 90.84% and (5) multimedia display is 86.77%. Overall the students' response to the multimedia lies in the area agreed. Thus the textual representation of chemical-based schools in the sub-concepts of the Bohr model of the atom the electron configurations are expanded in the form of multimedia that has been developed can be used.

Copyrights © 2021

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Journal of Mathematics and Science Teaching or Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA) was founded in 1993 and published qualitative and or quantitative research concerning mathematics and science teaching. JPMIPA is published by Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education ...