J-Com (Journal of Computer)
Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Maret 2021

Analisis Komoditas Padi Pascapanen Berbasis E-SCM Studi Kasus Kilang Padi Sumber Rezeki

Afrianti Dewi (Unknown)
Zulfi Azhar (Unknown)
Rizky Fauziah (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Mar 2021


Abstrct :  The object of this research is the Sumber Rezeki Rice Refinery which produces rice in Taman Sari, Kec.Pulo Bandring. This Rice Refinery in the processing of supply chain management that has been done can increase the amount of profit and market share by purchasing rice. Aspects of analysis that occur produce effectiveness and efficiency together in one flow cycle. The use of observations and discussions in the field and designing an application system so that it is able to cope with the rice supply that occurs and predict the rice stock that must be provided by the Sumber Rezeki Rice Refinery.  Keywords: a source of sustenance; predictions; scm; application system; rice stock.  Abstrak : Objek pada penelitian ini adalah pada Kilang Padi Sumber Rezeki yang berproduksi beras di Taman Sari, Kec.Pulo Bandring. Kilang Padi ini dalam pengolahan supply chain management yang telah dilakukannya dapat meningkatkan jumlah keuntungan dan pangsa pasar dengan melakukan pembelian beras. Aspek analisis yang terjadi menghasilkan keefektifan dan keefesienan  bersama-sama dalam satu siklus aliran. Penggunaan observasi dan diskusi di lapangan serta melakukan  perancangan sistem aplikasi sehingga mampu menanggulangi persediaan beras yang terjadi dan memprediksi stok beras yang harus disediakan oleh Kilang Padi Sumber Rezeki. Kata kunci : Kilang padi sumber rezeki; prediksi; scm; sistem aplikasi; stok beras.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT


J-Com (Journal of Computer) is a scientific journals that contains research results conducted by collaborating students with lecturers. J-Com published third a year on March, July, ...