Jurnal Konstitusi
Vol 16, No 2 (2019)

Menyoal Kekuatan Eksekutorial Putusan Final dan Mengikat Mahkamah Konstitusi

M. Agus Maulidi (Magister Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
11 Jul 2019


Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi bersifat final dan mengikat sejak diucapkan dalam sidang pleno yang terbuka untuk umum. Artinya, sejak saat itu pula putusan MK harus dilaksanakan. Ternyata, masih banyak putusan MK yang tidak diimplementasikan sesuai dengan ketentuan konstitusi, bahkan cenderung diabaikan oleh addressat putusan. Penelitian ini hendak menganalisis mengenai, pertama, alasan putusan final dan mengikat MK tidak implementatif; Kedua, solusi untuk menciptakan putusan final dan mengikat MK yang implementatif. Penelitian ini dikualifikasikan ke dalam penelitian hukum normatif, dengan pendekatan konseptual dan komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama, bahwa putusan MK dengan sifat final dan mengikat yang berlaku sejak diucapkan dalam sidang pleno yang terbuka untuk umum sulit untuk dilaksanakan karena harus ditindaklanjuti dengan instrument hukum baru, padahal untuk melakukan hal tersebut, harus melalui proses hukum yang sangat formal-prosedural; selain itu, beberapa putusan MK cenderung melampaui batas sehingga mempengaruhi keharmonisan hubungan antar-cabang kekuasaan negara. Kedua, diperlukan adanya tenggang waktu putusan, berupa diberikannya jeda waktu agar addressat putusan mempunyai kesempatan menindaklanjuti putusan MK, serta upaya mengekang hakim MK dalam mengeluarkan putusan dengan menormakan semangat judicial restraint.Constitutional court’s decision is legally final and binding since decleared in the opened trial. Since then, constitutional court’s decision must be implemented consequently. Evidently, there are some constitutional court’s decisions doesn’t implemented based on the constitutional provisions, even tend to be ignored. This research aims to analize, first, the reason of the final and binding decision on the constitutional court doesn’t implemented; second, solutions to create a final and binding on constitutional court’s decision that is implementable. This research qualifies into normative legal research, with conceptual and comparative approach. The finding revealed that first, the Constitutional Court’s decision with the final and binding nature which has been effective since it was decleared in the plenary session which opened to the public, is difficult to implemented. This is due to new legal instruments with the formal-procedural proccess are needed to implement the constitutional court’s decision. Furthermore, some of the constitutional court’s decision tend to go beyond the limit wich influence the harmony of relations between branches of state power. Second, a grace period is needed, in the form of given a time lag so that addressat will take the opportunity to follow up on the Constitutional Court’s decision, also restraining constitutional court’s judges in issuing decisions by normalizing judicial restraint.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of Constitutional Law and another ...