Ibtidaiyyah Madrasah (MI) is an essential part ofIslamic education. In MI, students begin learning basic process.One of the main subjects taught in MI is a social sciences (IPS). Ingeneral, the IPS has a great purpose in order to make learners to begood citizens. In realizing its effectiveness, teachers are importantfactors of IPS learning process in MI. The competent ones must besupported by some of the factors that influence it. This study carriedout tests on the influence of motivation, educational background,and ability to use the media to the professional competence of anMI social studies teacher at Kudus Regency. It used a quantitativeapproach by statistical method. Data analysis used SPSS. Fromthe analysis of the data, it is concluded that motivation variable,educational background, and media ability doubly influence 55,4%of professional competence variable While 44.6 % of the teachersâprofessional competence is influenced by factors or other variables
.Key words: educational background, media ability motivation,professional competence
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