E-Journal Perdagangan Industri dan Moneter
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): e-Journal Perdagangan Industri dan Moneter

Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia ke Uni Eropa

Ridho santosa (Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jambi)
Haryadi Haryadi (Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jambi)
Dearmi Artis (Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jambi)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Mar 2022


The objectives of this study are 1) to know and analyze the contribution of the Volume of palm oil exports to the European Union to the total exports of Indonesian palm oil in 2000-2019. 2) to analyze the effect of production, CPO prices, exchange rates, and EU policies on the Volume of Indonesian palm oil exports to the European Union in 2000-2019 and 3) to describe the EU's policies on Indonesian palm oil exports. The model used in this study is a multiple linear regression model. The t-test results show that partially the production, CPO price, exchange rate, and EU policy affect Indonesian palm oil exports to the European Union. The policy set by the European Union for Indonesia's palm oil exports is the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) policy which limits the export of palm oil-based biofuels and the imposition of tariffs on Indonesia's biodiesel exports to the European Union.

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