Kepatuhan dalam penggunaan partograf di Puskesmas Sodonghilir masih rendah, Untuk meningkatkan motivasi bidan dalam pengisian partograf, bidan koodinator Puskesmas Sodonghilir sebagai penanggungjawab KIA di wilayah tersebut mewajibkan bidan menggunakan partograf Digital dalam pemantauan persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan gambaran efektivitas penggunaan Partograf Digital oleh bidan desa di Puskesmas Sodonghilir. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah Total Sampling, yaitu seluruh bidan desa yang ada di kecamatan Sodonghilir sejumlah 12 bidan. Distribusi Frekuensi Penggunaan Partograf Digital Oleh Bidan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sodonghilir kategori baik sebanyak 6 orang (50%). Diharapkan bidan meningkatkan motifvasi penggunaan partograf digital saat pemantauan persalinan.Compliance with the use of partographs at the Sodonghilir Health Center is still low. To increase the motivation of midwives in filling out partographs, the coordinating midwife of the Sodonghilir Health Center as the person in charge of MCH in the area requires midwives to use digital partographs in monitoring deliveries. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of using Digital Partographs by village midwives at the Sodonghilir Health Center. This research method is descriptive. The sample of this research is Total Sampling, namely all village midwives in Sodonghilir sub-district with a total of 12 midwives.Distribution of Frequency of Use of Digital Partographs by Midwives in the Working Area of Sodonghilir Health Center in good category as many as 6 people (50%). It is hoped that midwives will increase their motivation to use digital partographs during labor monitoring.
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