ACADEMIA: Jurnal Inovasi Riset Akademik
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)


JUSTIN NIAGA SIMAN JUNTAK (Universitas Kristen Surakarta)

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Publish Date
22 Apr 2022


The Covid-19 outbreak has had a tremendous impact on various lives, including relations with the congregation at GKJ Petoran. The presence of congregations who were exposed to Covid-19, especially those who died caused fear and the estrangement of existing relationships, this was due to the influence and unilateral information received by the congregation without any screening. Face-to-face meetings which are limited by government regulations have disrupted congregational development, so that digital literacy has become the mainstay of the GKJ Petoran Council to carry out community development in the context of restoring relations due to Covid-19. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive method. This research is used to see the condition of natural objects, where the researcher as the key instrument, the data collection technique is done by triangulation. From this method, the researcher conducted observations, natural interviews with informants and collected documentation which was then put into written form. The location of the research was GKJ Petoran, Jebres Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City. The informants selected by the researchers were members of the GKJ Petoran congregation who were exposed to Covid-19. The results of this study indicate that digital literacy carried out by the Assembly is able to eliminate offending which ultimately fosters the restoration of personal and inter-congregational relationships. ABSTRAKWabah Covid-19 membawa dampak yang luar biasa dalam berbagai kehidupan, termasuk diantaranya relasi berjemaat di GKJ Petoran. Adanya jemaat yang terpapar Covid-19 terlebih ada yang sampai meninggal dunia menyebabkan ketakutan dan renggangnya relasi yang ada, hal ini karena pengaruh dan informasi sepihak yang diterima oleh jemaat tanpa adanya penyaringan. Pertemuan tatap muka secara langsung yang dibatasi oleh regulasi pemerintah menyebabkan pembinaan jemaat sangat terganggu, sehingga literasi digital menjadi andalan Majelis GKJ Petoran untuk melalukan pembinaan umat dalam rangka pemulihan relasi akibat Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuanlitatif dengan métode deskriptif. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk melihat kondisi objek alamiah, di mana peneliti sebagai instrument kunci, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara trianggulasi. Dari metode ini kemudian peneliti melakukan observasi, wawancara alamiah dengan alamiah dengan informan serta mengumpulkan domumentasi yang kemudian dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di GKJ Petoran, Kelurahan Jebres, Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta. Informan yang dipilih peneliti adalah warga jemaat GKJ Petoran yang terpapar Covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literasi digital yang dilakukan oleh Majelis mampu mengelinimasi ketersinggungan yang akhirnya menumbuhkan pemulihan relasi pribadi maupun antar jemaat.

Copyrights © 2022

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ACADEMIA: Jurnal Inovasi Riset Akademik contains writings/articles on the results of thoughts and research results written by teachers, lecturers, experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers in all disciplines related to Academic ...