Jurnal Computech & Bisnis (e-Journal)
Vol 1, No 2 (2007): Jurnal Computech & Bisnis


KM. Syarif Haryana (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Feb 2015


The need tools to support the learning process for Colleges need to be examined properly so that the intent and purpose of learning can be done and can reduce the investment cost as economical as possible. The foregoing applies particularly to computer -based courses that require substantial investment costs, but life is quite short. Currently there are several obstacles that occur ineffectiveness of organizing the learning process, especially for courses Operating Systems, Computer Networking Systems, Distributed Computer Systems, Programming Client / Server or even for special courses / local content of the Linux operating system , Linux Programming. Ineffectiveness of these subjects can be measured by the level of understanding of the subject as well as the rate of the value of the subject. This study is expected to be designed and in implementing and deploying a network system based on the Linux operating system to support the implementation of the course Operating Systems, Computer Networking Systems, Distributed Computer Systems, Programming Client / Server , or can even be developed implementation of new subjects such as, Linux Server, Linux programming. These is run on a computer network architecture that has been there, but not change or damage the existing network system. Keywords: Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Open Source, Secure Socket Host (SSH)  ABSTRAK  Kebutuhan alat bantu untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran bagi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta perlu dicermati dengan baik sehingga maksud/tujuan pembelajaran dapat terlaksana dan dapat menekan biaya investasi sehemat mungkin. Hal tersebut di atas berlaku terutama untuk matakuliah berbasis komputer yang memerlukan biaya investasi yang cukup besar namun masa pakai yang cukup singkat. Saat ini terdapat beberapa kendala sehingga terjadi ketidak-efektifan penyelenggaraan proses belajar mengajar khususnya untuk matakuliah Sistem Operasi, Sistem Jaringan Komputer, Sistem Komputer Terdistribusi, Pemograman Client/Server atau bahkan untuk mata kuliah khusus/muatan lokal sistem operasi Linux, Pemograman Linux. Ketidak-efektifan matakuliah tersebut dapat diukur dari tingkat pemahaman matakuliah tersebut serta tingkat perolehan nilai matakuliah tersebut. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dirancang dan di-implementasi-kan sebuah sistem jaringan berbasis sistem operasi linux untuk menunjang penyelenggaraan matakuliah Sistem Operasi, Sistem Jaringan Komputer, Sistem Komputer Terdistribusi, Pemograman Client/Server, atau bahkan dapat dikembangkan penyelenggaraan matakuliah baru seperti, Server Linux, Pemograman Linux. yang dijalankan pada arsitektur jaringan komputer yang telah ada namun tidak mengubah atau merusak sistem jaringan yang telah ada. Kata Kunci : Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Open Source, Secure Socket Host (SSH)

Copyrights © 2015

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Economics, Econometrics & Finance Education Library & Information Science


The scope of this journal covering the field Computer, Technology and Business. Topic related to these fields can be information systems, informatics, product based knowledge, computer science, knowledge management, business and management, business IT, IT Governance, communication and marketing, ...