Jurnal Ilmiah Sains
Volume 16 Nomor 1, April 2016


Arman Hi Bando (Unknown)
Ratna Siahaan (Unknown)
Marnix D Langoy (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 May 2016


KEANEKARAGAMAN VEGETASI RIPARIAN DI SUNGAI TEWALEN, MINAHASA SELATAN - SULAWESI UTARAABSTRAK Vegatasi riparian merupakan sumberdaya alam yang mudah terganggu akibat aktivitas manusia misalnya konversi riaria menjadi lahan permukiman, pertanian dan industri. Vegetasi riparian dapat berfungsi mempertahankan kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keanekaragaman vegetasi riparian di Sungai Tewalen, Minahasa Selatan - Sulawesi Utara. Metode purposive digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi dan pengelompokan berdasarkan kriteria pertumbuhan untuk memperoleh data kekayaan jenis dan kelimpahan. Sebanyak 3 stasiun penelitian ditentukan yaitu hulu, tengah dan hilir. Tiga ulangan dilakukan di tiap stasiun. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan Indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon - Wienner (H’), Indeks Kemerataan dan Indeks Kesamaan Jenis Sorensen. Kekayaan jenis egetasi riparian sebanyak lima puluh enam (56) jenis yeng termasuk dalam tiga puluh (30) suku. Tiga (3) suku terbesar yaitu Poaceae (22%), Cyatheaceae (13%) dan Araceae (11%). Keanekaragaman vegetasi riparian pada tingkat rumput hingga pohon di lokasi penelitian termasuk sedang (H’ 1≤ H ≤ 3). Vegetasi riparian di Sungai Tewalen secara umum memiliki tingkat kemerataan yang tinggi yaitu mendekati 1 yang menunjukkan jumlah individu masing-masing jenis sama atau tidak jauh berbeda. Kesamaan jenis antar stasiun penelitian rendah yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaaan komunitas vegetasi riparian antar stasiun. Kata kunci: Vegetasi riparian, Sungai Tewalen, Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara   RIPARIAN VEGETATION DIVERSITY OF TEWALEN RIVER,SOUTH MINAHASA REGENCY- NORTH SULAWESI ABSTRACT Riparian vegetation is natural resource easily disturbed by human activities such as conversion of riparia to be settlement, agriculture and industry areas. Riparian vegetation serves to maintain water quality. This study aimed to analyze the diversity of riparian vegetation of Tewalen River, South Minahasa - North Sulawesi. Purposive sampling method was used to determine the locations and grouping based on growth criteria to obtain data on species richness and abundance. Three (3) research locations were determined that were up, mid and downstream parts. Three replications were applied at each location. Data were analyzed descriptively based on species diversity index Shannon - Wienner (H '), Evenness Index and Sorensen Similarity Index. Species richness of riparian vegetation were fifty-six (56) species were grouped into thirty (30) families. The biggest families were Poaceae (22%), Cyatheaceae (13%) and Araceae (11%). Riparian vegetation diversity from grass to trees were moderate (H '1≤ H ≤ 3). Generally, riparian vegetation of Tewalen River had high evenness (close to 1) that showed the number of individuals of each species were same or not different. The low index of species similarity between stations showed the differences riparian vegetation communities between stations. Keywords: Riparian vegetation, Tewalen River, South Minahasa, North Sulawesi.

Copyrights © 2016

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