Kasus hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi yang menyerang anak-anak telah dikaitkan dengan beberapa kemungkinan etiologi termasuk penyakit coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), vaksinasi COVID-19, agen infeksi baru, racun, dan kemungkinan etiologi terkait makanan. Masih perlu banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk secara tepat mengidentifikasi agen penyebab hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kemungkinan penyebab hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian literatur (literature review). Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah jurnal ilmiah yang tersedia di PubMed dengan tema hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi pada anak. Berdasarkan pencarian jurnal menggunaan database di PubMed dengan menggunakan kata kunci “acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology” dan “children”, didapatkan 14 jurnal dan hanya 4 jurnal saja yang memenuhi kriteria dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa kemungkinan penyebab kasus hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi meliputi infeksi Human Adenovirus 41 Subtipe F (HAdV41-F), infeksi coronavirus–2 (SARS-CoV-2), vaksinasi COVID-19, infeksi virus lainnya, dan faktor non-infeksi. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah etiologi hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi pada anak-anak belum dapat ditentukan sehingga perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut. Kata kunci : anak, hepatitis akut tanpa etiologi Cases of acute hepatitis with no etiology affecting children have been associated with several possible etiologies including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), COVID-19 vaccination, new infectious agents, toxins, and possible food-related etiologies. More research was needed to accurately identify the causative agent of acute hepatitis without an etiology. This study aimed to identify possible causes of acute hepatitis without etiology in children. This study used a literature review. The data sources in this study were scientific journals available on PubMed with the theme of acute hepatitis without etiology in children. Based on a journal search using the PubMed database using the keywords “acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology” and “children”, 14 journals were obtained and only 4 journals met the criteria and were then analyzed. The results showed that there were several possible causes of acute hepatitis cases without etiology including Human Adenovirus 41 Subtype F (HAdV41-F) infection, coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, COVID-19 vaccination, other viral infections, and other factors. non-infectious. The conclusion in this study is that the etiology of acute hepatitis without an etiology in children has not been determined so that further research is needed. Keywords: acute hepatitis of unknown aetiologi, children Korespondensi: Bangkit Ary Pratama, Poltekkes Bhakti Mulia, Jl. Solo-Sukoharjo No.KM. 9, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, email: bangkit@poltekkesbhaktimulia.ac.id, 085326333050
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