JIB : Journal Islamic Banking
Vol 1 No 2 (2021): DESEMBER

Analisis Kriteria Penentuan Bagi Hasil Kerjasama antara Bank Syariah dengan Financial Technology sektor P2P Lending

Ayunda Riezdita (Ruangguru Indonesia)
Riska Lisnawati (Politeknik Negeri Bandung)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2021


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the profit-sharing scheme used by Islamic Banks in collaboration with P2P Landing. Using a qualitative approach and literature study method, it was found that one of the P2P landing institutions used a mudharabah contract in collaboration with Islamic banks. Profit sharing is determined by determining the bank's expected rate of return and the level of expected return of fund users. The bank's expected rate of return is determined based on the estimate of the expected return of the fund provider, the estimated overhead cost, the estimated level of risk, and the bank's expected net profit. Meanwhile, the level of expected return of the use of funds is determined based on the projected profit of the customer's business minus the level of the bank's expected return. Fintech companies that conduct screening or filter financing, fintech companies as recipients of funds from Islamic banks can manage their funds better by only channeling funds to profitable MSMEs. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa skema bagi hasil yang digunakan oleh Bank Syariah yang bekerjasama dengan P2P Landing. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi pustaka ditemukan bahwa salah satu lembaga P2P landing menggunakan akad mudharabah dalam kerjasamanya dengan Bank Syariah. Penentuan bagi hasil dilakukan dengan menetapkan tingkat expected return bank dan tingkat expected return pengguna dana. Tingkat expected return bank ditetapkan berdasarkan estimasi tingkat expected return penyedia dana, estimasi overhead cost, estimasi tingkat resiko, dan expected net profit bank. Sedangkan tingkat expected return pengguna dana ditetapkan berdasarkan proyeksi keuntungan usaha nasabah dikurang tingkat expected return bank. Perusahaan fintech yang melakukan screening atau menyaring pembiayaan maka perusahaan fintech sebagai penerima dana dari bank syariah dapat mengelola dananya lebih baik dengan hanya menyalurkan dana kepada UMKM yang profitable.

Copyrights © 2021

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Economics, Econometrics & Finance


JIB : Jurnal Perbankan Syariah is the journal published by IAINU Tuban Islamic Banking Study Program. It’s dedicated for the publication of scientific articles in the field of Islamic Financial Institution, Contempopary muamalat jurisprudence, entrepreneurship and creative economy, and Islamic ...