Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology
Vol. 8 (2022)

Lecturer Internship Program to Develop Classroom Management Strategies for Digi-X Program at

Fatma Hetami (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Mohamad Ikhwan Rosyidi (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Thohiriyah Thohiriyah (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Izzati Gemi Seinsiani (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Sri Sumaryani (Universitas Negeri Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Oct 2022


A digital content education program established by Liputan under the name of Digi-X was created to fill out the demand of digital education by the public. Digi-X has been frequently invited to open classes and give talks on how to develop the company profiling and to share information in a more effective and engaging way to public and private sectors. The workshops have various presenters and the materials are delivered in a lecture-like format. Through an internship program between Liputan and the English Literature Study Program of UNNES that has begun since 2021, four lecturers-cum-researchers are invited to review the Digi-X performance. Based on the interview, survey and observation of the Digi-X documents, materials, and classes, Digi-X needs to improve the quality of its course documents, particularly the lesson plans. We argue that by arranging them in a detailed and engaging format, they can guide the speakers in terms of material coverage, learning goals and time management. In exchange, the internship program equips the lecturers with real-life knowledge and skills on management and types of works in the journalism industry that can be inserted in the lesson plans and implemented in class.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info







Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology adalah konferensi internasional dan forum kolaborasi ilmiah yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Negeri Semarang ISET mengundang peneliti, praktisi di sektor industri, pemangku kepentingan publik dan swasta, pendidik dari ...