Abstrak. Es krim merupakan produk beku yang merupakan hasil campuran dari beberapa bahan baku seperti susu, gula, penstabil dan bahan tambahan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik es krim nabati susu kedelai dan ubi jalar ungu terhadap penerimaan sensori. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial yaitu rasio susu kedelai dan ubi jalar ungu yang terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu S1 (50%:50%), S2 (60%:40%) dan S3 (70%:30%) menggunakan 3 (tiga) kombinasi perlakuan dengan 6 (enam) ulangan sehingga didapatkan 18 satuan percobaan. Analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis organoleptik secara hedonik meliputi analisis aroma, warna, tekstur, rasa, mouthfeel, keseluruhan oleh 25 panelis. Hasil terbaik berdasarkan penerimaan sensori yaitu pada perlakuan S1 (50%:50%) dengan skor aroma 3.61 (suka), warna 3.79 (suka), tekstur 3.28 (netral), rasa 3,80 (suka), mouthfeel 3,56 (suka) dan keseluruhan 3,58 (suka).Sensory Characteristis Of Vegetable Ice Cream Based On Soy Milk And Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas L)Abstract. Ice cream is a frozen product which is the result of a mixture of several raw materials such as milk, sugar, stabilizer and other additives. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of soy milk and purple sweet potato vegetable ice cream on sensory reception. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), namely the ratio of soy milk and purple sweet potato which consisted of 3 levels, namely S1 (50%:50%), S2 (60%:40%) and S3 (70%:30%) using 3 (three) treatment combinations with 6 (six) replications so that 18 experimental units were obtained. research analysis using hedonic organoleptic analysis includes aroma, color, texture, taste, mouthfeel, all by 25 panelists. The best results based on sensory acceptance were in the S1 treatment (50%:50%) with a score of 3.61 (liked), color was 3.79 (liked), texture was 3.28 (neutral), taste was 3.80 (liked), mouthfeel 3.56 (likes) and overall 3.58 (likes).
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