Hypertension is a degenerative disease that generally blood pressure will increase slowly in accordance with age due to a decrease in arterial elasticity in the aging process. This hypertension disease can be treated with pharmacolagic and non-pharmacoolagi therapy, one of which is water therapy. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of water therapy after waking up to the decrease in blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension in BPSLUT Senja Cerah and Bailang Village of Manado City. Metode used pre-experiment, with type of research design one group pre and post test . The sample was taken based on the number of respondents as many as 20 using acidental sampling. Data collection using SOPs and observation sheets. Furthermore, the collected data is processed using the SPSS program computer version 16.0 for analysis with wicoxon tests. The results of this study showed that most of the respondents experienced changes after being given water therapy. The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon test in the BPSLUT group showed systolic blood pressure P value = 0.004 is smaller than a= 0.05 and diastolic blood pressure obtained value of P =0.007 smaller than a= 0.05, In the Bailang group for systolic blood pressure obtained the value of P= 0.002 is smaller than a =0.05 and dara pressure he obtained a systolic value of P= 0.008 is smaller than a= 0.05 which means alternative hypoession Ha received or effective water therapy lowers blood in the elderly. The conclusion is that water therapy after waking up is effective against the reduction of blood pressure in the elderly of hypertensive patients in BPSLUT Senja Cerah and Bailang Village of Manado City. Advice for the elderly to be able to apply this non-pharmacological therapy in lowering blood pressure.
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