Journal of Innovation and Teacher Professionalism (JITPro)
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

Penerapan Media Interaktif Wordwall pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

Rea Destiana (PPG Universitas Negeri Malang)
Purwanto Purwanto (Universitas Negeri Malang)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 May 2024


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan media interaktif Wordwall dalam pembel­ajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus pada deskripsi fenomena yang ada serta menghasilkan data deskriptif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui lembar observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan di sekolah bersama dengan guru kelas VII. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media interaktif Wordwall membantu guru dalam merancang materi pembelajaran yang menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh siswa. Selain itu, fitur-fitur yang disediakan oleh Wordwall juga memudahkan penggunaan bagi pemula. Namun, dalam pene­rapannya, terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, termasuk keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana, kurangnya penguasaan teknologi media interaktif oleh guru, dan kurangnya kesadaran siswa akan pentingnya memperhatikan guru selama proses pembelajaran, yang dapat mengganggu kelancaran pembelajaran. Kata kunci: media interaktif; Wordwall; ilmu pengetahuan sosial Application of Wordwall Interactive Media in Social Studies Learning The objective of this study is to analyze the utilization of Wordwall interactive media in the context of learning Social Studies. The research employs a qualitative approach, with a focus on the description of existing phenomena and the generation of descriptive data. The research data was obtained through the utilization of observation sheets and interviews conducted at the educational establishment, in conjunction with the seventh-grade teacher. The findings indicated that the utilization of Wordwall interactive media assists teachers in the design of learning materials that are both interesting and easily comprehensible for students. Furthermore, the features provided by Wordwall also facilitate the use of the platform for novice users. However, in its implementation, several obstacles have been identified, including limited facilities and infrastructure, a lack of mastery of interactive media technology by teachers, and a lack of student awareness of the importance of paying attention to teachers during the learning process, which can disrupt the smooth running of learning. Keyword: interactive media; Wordwall; social science

Copyrights © 2024

Journal Info





Arts Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences Other


JITPro is fundamentally concerned with the improvement of teacher education, curriculum, policy, and in-service training. Besides these, the journal also accepts researches related to the problems of teacher educators and researchers in the field of educational ...