Analisis Kebutuhan Sarana Penyimpanan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Prima Medika

Christine Novita Malelak (Unknown)
Devi Marlita Martana (Unknown)
I Ketut Sujana (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Jan 2023


                                                   Abstrak Hasil observasi yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa rak penyimpanan di RSU Prima Medika tidak lagi memadai untuk menampung rekam medis. Rak penyimpanan tidak dapat ditambah karena luas ruang penyimpanan berukuran 24 m² sudah terisi oleh rak penyimpanan yang tersedia saat ini. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jenis data time series. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu berjumlah 113.389 rekam medis dan sampel berjumlah 100 rekam medis. Teknik pengambilan data adalah observasi, wawancara, pengukuran, studi dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan empat alternatif perhitungan rak penyimpanan dan empat gambaran layout kebutuhan luas ruang penyimpanan lima tahun mendatang. Alternatif pertama yaitu penambahan 87 rak besi terbuka dengan luas ruangan 545,94 m2 . Alternatif kedua yaitu 102 rak besi terbuka dengan luas ruangan 663,89 m2 . Alternatif ketiga yaitu 24 roll o’pack dengan luas ruang 304,29 m². Alternatif keempat yaitu 28 roll o’pack dengan luas ruangan 398,52 m2 . Penambahan rak dan ruang penyimpanan perlu dilakukan oleh rumahKata kunci: Filling, perencanaan rak dan ruang penyimpanan, rekam medis                                                 Abstract From the results of observations made, it was found that the storage racks at Prima Medika Public Hospital were no longer adequate to accommodate medical records. The storage rack cannot be added because the 24 m² storage area has been filled by the currently available storage racks. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with the type of time series data. The population in this study amounted to 113,389 medical records and a sample of 100 medical records was taken using the Slovin formula. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, measurements, documentation studies. This research produces four alternative storage rack calculations and four layout descriptions of storage space requirements for the next five years. The first alternative is the addition of 87 open iron shelves with an area of 545.94 m2 . The second alternative is the addition of 102 open iron shelves with an area of 663.89 m2 . The third alternative is the addition of 24 roll o'packs with an area of 304,29 m². The fourth alternative is the addition of 28 roll o'packs with an area of 398,52 m2 . The hospital needs to add shelves and storage space, but another alternative is that the hospital can switch to using electronic medical records that use a database as the main storage.Keywords: filing, shelf and storage room planning, medical records

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