The low result of student learning is caused by teacher centered learning methods. Be required a model of learning which makes to improve the result of student learning. Therefore, be done a research by the implementation of cooperative learning model mind mapping type to improve the result of student learning at XI IPA 1 grade in SMA Negeri 6 Banjarmasin in subject work and energy. The specific aims of the research describe: (1) the lesson plan adherence of cooperative learning model mind mapping type; (2) the result of student learning; (3) the studentâs activities; (4) the studentâs responses toward learning. The type of the research is a classroom action research of Kemmis & Mc Tagart model which includes planning, observation, and reflection. The technique of data collecting used observations, tests, questionnaires and documentations. The technique of data analysis is qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive. The Results of the research showed (1) the lesson plan adherence categorized very well; (2) the result of student learning althought the individual and classical are completeness; (3) the studentâs activities categorized very well; (4) the studentâs responses categorized well. Be obtained the conclusion that the implementation of cooperative learning model mind mapping type is effective to improve the result of student learning at XI IPA 1 grade in SMA Negeri 6 Banjarmasin in subject work and energy. Â
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