Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia
Vol 5 No 01 (2016)

Dukungan Sosial, Efikasi Diri dan Resiliensi Pada Karyawan yang Terkena Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja

Aziz, Mochammad Rizki (Unknown)
Noviekayati, IGAA (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Jan 2016


This study aimed to determine the relationship between social support and selfefiaksi to employees affected by layoffs. The hypothesis of this study is that there is arelationship between social support and self-efficacy of employees affected by layoffs.This study was conducted on employees affected by layoffs at Semple number 70 usingrandom sampling techniques. Data collected through scale social support, self-efficacyscale and scale resilience of employees affected by layoffs. Data were analyzed withregression analysis showed a significant correlation between social support and selfefficacywith the resilience of affected employees dismissal from work, there is arelationship hypothesis (F Reg = 126 126 p = 0.000). Furthermore, the hypothesis thatsocial support and resilience of employees affected by layoffs no relationship (Reg F =4.667 p = 0.495), whereas self-efficacy with the resilience of the employees affected bylayoffs no relationship (Reg F = 4.994 p = 0.517)Keywords : Resilience, Social Support, Self Efficacy

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Education Health Professions Physics Social Sciences


Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Persona Journal was first published in 2012. At first this journal was published three times a year. Starting in 2017 this journal is only published twice a year, ...