PALITA: Journal of Social - Religion Research
Vol 3, No 1 (2018): PALITA

Harmoni Masyarakat Islam dan Hindu di Desa Lingsar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat (Ditinjau dari Perseptif Pierre Bourdieu)

Kholidi, Ahmad Khaerul (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Apr 2018


This writing provides us with an understanding of Bourdieus theory. How the tolerance between Muslims and Hinduism comes as a religion that upholds the values of tolerance. The Islam and Hinduism communities of Lingsar are able to fortify and form harmony and even become a direction for religions outside the village of Lingsar that still form a harmony between both communities of Islam and Hindu. In Lingsar village there are two different Islam and Hindu religious communities but in their daily life they are able to create a peaceful and harmonious life. Thus Lingsar Village should be used as a village that maintains tolerance in religious attitude. The study looked at Bourdeius viewpoint of habitus, ranging from the concept of harmony to society, the advent of Islam and Hinduism in Lombok, and the harmonious relation between Islam and Hinduism in the ritual frame and festival of the show.  

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Religion Social Sciences


Palita: Journal of Social-Religion Research, p-ISSN:2527-3744, e-ISSN:2527-3752 has been published twice a year since 2016, is a multilingual (English, Indonesian and Arabic ), peer review, and on exploring the social religion. Palita focuses on the research of social religion, and to communicate to ...