Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan
Vol 12, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 2 Desember 2017

KARAKTERISTIK MUTU DAN EFEK PENAMBAHAN POLIFENOL PADA HAND BODY LOTION BERBASIS LEMAK KAKAO TERHADAP KULIT. (Characteristics of Quality and Effect of Polyphenol Addition to Cocoa Butter Based Hand Body Lotion to Skin)

Ramlah, Sitti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Dec 2017


Research on Characteristics of Quality and Effects of Polyphenol  Addition to Cocoa Butter Based   Hand Body Lotion to Skin has been done. This research aims to identify characteristics of quality and effects of polyphenol addition to cocoa butter based hand body lotion to skin. Materials used in this research were cocoa butter, polyphenols from cocoa beans, olive oil, stearic acid, glycerin, and Novemer as emulsifier. Test parameter applied to this research were emulsion test/viscosity, organoleptic, moisture content, pH, heavy metal content, nipasol, nipagin, microbiology test (TPC, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans.), effect test (moisture, smoothness and anti UV B). Research result showed that hand body lotion from cocoa butter and cocoa beans polyphenols have quality characteristics as follow: moisture content 85.56 %; pH 5,57, Total Plate Count< 10 1Cfu/g, Staphylococcus aureus < 10 1Cfu/g, Pseudomonas aeruginosa< 10 1Cfu/g,Candida albicans < 10 1Cfu/g, viscosity 55 dpas; have lotion properties and were able to improve skin moisture, sebum and smoothness. In addition, this hand and body lotion were potentially protect skin damage which followed aging process due to UV B exposure and also maintain skin elasticity.Keywords : quality characteristic, effects, hand body lotion, cocoa butter, poliphenols, skinABSTRAK. Penelitian ”Karakteristik Mutu dan Efek Penambahan Polifenol pada  Hand Body Lotion Berbasis  Lemak Kakao Terhadap Kulit” telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu dan efek penambahan polifenol pada hand body lotion dari lemak kakao terhadap kulit. Bahan baku yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lemak kakao, polifenol dari biji kakao, minyak zaitun, asam stearat,gliserin, dengan pengemulsiNovemer. Parameter uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah: uji emulsi/viskositas, uji organoleptik, kadar air, pH, logam berat, kadar nipasol, kadar nipagin, uji mikrobiologi (ALT,Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans.),uji efek (kelembaban, kehalusan dan anti UV B).Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa  hand body lotion dari lemak dan polifenol dari biji kakao mempunyai karakteristik mutu mengandung kadar air 85,56 %, pH 5,57, Angka Lempeng   Total < 10 1Cfu/g,  Staphylococcus aureus < 10 1Cfu/g, Pseudomonas aeruginosa< 10 1Cfu/g,   Candida albicans < 10 1Cfu/g, viskositas 55 dpas,memiliki  sifat lotion serta dapat memperbaiki kelembaban,  kadar minyak serta kehalusan kulit, juga memiliki potensi melindungi kerusakan kulit yang menyertai proses penuaan akibat paparan sinar UVB serta dapat mempertahankan elastisitas dari kulit. Kata kunci: karakteristik mutu, efek, hand body lotion, lemak kakao, polifenol, kulit

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