eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia
Vol 2, No 2 (2018)

Pra Rancang Bangun Pupuk Biochar dari Tongkol Jagung dengan Kapasitas 3.500 Ton/Tahun Menggunakan Alat Utama Reaktor Pirolisis

Mbagho, Elisabet (Unknown)
Iskandar, Taufik (Unknown)
Anggraini, S.P. Abrina (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Aug 2018


ABSTRAK Biochar merupakan butiran halus dari arang kayu yang berpori (porous) bila digunakan sebagai suatu pembenahan tanah dapat megurangi jumlah CO2 dari udara. Biomassa selulosa dan hemiselulosa seperti tongkol jagung sangat potensial diberdayakan sebagai bahan baku pupuk biochar mengingat persediaannya sangat melimpah dan lebih ekonomis. Dengan adanya pra rancang bangun pupuk biochar ini diharapkan mampu menyerap tenaga kerja dan menambah lapangan pekerjaan. Pra rancang bangun pabrik pupuk biochar direncanakan didirikan pada tahun 2020 di kota Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dengan luas area 10.000 m2. Kapasitas produksi direncanakan 3.500 ton/tahun dengan waktu operasi 8 jam/hari dan 300 hari/tahun. Proses yang digunakan adalah slow pyrolisis dengan aktivasi secara kimia dan Amonium Nitrat sebagai aktivator. Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi, total modal investasi dan biaya produksi total yang dibutuhkan adalahRp. 24.388.278.439,-dan Rp. 18.511.795.926,- Nilai penjualan produk adalah Rp. 29.750.000.000 pertahun, dengan laba sebelum dan sesudah pajak adalah Rp. pertahun dan Rp. 10.114.383.666 pertahun. Hasil analisa kelayakan diperoleh nilai Return Of Investment (ROI) sebelum dan sesudah pajak sebesar 53% dan 48%, Pay Out Time (POT) selama 1,841 tahun, Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 35,29%, dan Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) sebesar 36,80%. Berdasarkan parameter ekonomi tersebut maka pra rancangan pabrik pupuk biochar dari tongkol jagung layak didirikan. Kata kunci: Pupuk Biochar, Nitrogen, Reaktor, Asam Nitrat and Pirolisis lambat. ABSTRACT Biochar is a fine grain of porous wood charcoal when used as a soil repair can reduce the amount of CO2 from the air. Cellulose and hemicellulosic biomass such as corn cobs are potentially empowered as raw materials for biochar fertilizers since their supplies are abundant and more economical. With the pre-design of biochar fertilizer is expected to absorb labor and increase employment. The pre-designed biochar fertilizer plant is planned to be established in 2020 in the town of Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, with an area of 10,000 m2. Production capacity is planned to be 3,500 tons / year with operating time of 8 hours / day and 300 days / year. The process used is slow pyrolisis with chemical activation and Ammonium Nitrate as activator. Based on economic analysis, total investment capital and total production cost required is Rp. 24.388.278.439, -and Rp. 18,511,795,926, -The value of product sales is Rp. 29.750.000.000 per year, with profit before and after tax is Rp. 11,238,204,074 per year and Rp. 10.114.383.666 per year. The results of feasibility analysis obtained the value of Return Of Investment (ROI) before and after taxes of 53% and 48%, Pay Out Time (POT) for 1.841 years, Break Even Point (BEP) of 35.29%, and Internal Rate Of Return IRR) of 36.80%. Based on these economic parameters, the pre-design of an active charcoal plant from corn cobs is feasible to be established. Keywords : Biochar, Corncob, Ammonium Nitrat

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Energy Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


Focus and Scope of this journal are : Chemical Engineering including : bioenergy processing, environmental engineering, natural resource management, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Designing tools and chemical processes, Chemical industry process, ...