Majalah Patologi Indonesia
Vol 20 No 3 (2011): MPI

Tampilan Pulasan Imunohistokimia Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Pada Undifferentiated Carcinoma Nasofaring Tipe Regaud dan Tipe Schmincke

. Herza Piasiska, H.M. Nadjib D. Lubis, Soekimin (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Sep 2015


ABSTRAK Latar belakang Pola pertumbuhan undifferentiated karsinoma nasofaring ada 2 tipe yaitu tipe Regaud, dengan sel-sel neoplastik berkelompok dan berbatas tegas dikelilingi jaringan ikat berisi sedikit limfosit, dan tipe Schmincke dengan sel-sel neoplastik tumbuh difus dan bercampur sel-sel radang. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) merupakan enzim proteolitik yang berperan dalam perkembangan karsinoma nasofaring, termasuk invasi sel tumor dan metastasis. Tujuan Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membedakan tampilan MMP-9 pada undifferentiated karsinoma nasofaring tipe Regaud dan tipe Schmincke. Metoda Rancangan penelitian berupa penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan secara cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 53 berasal dari biopsi nasofaring, yang sebelumnya telah didiagnosa sebagai karsinoma nasofaring. Hasil penelitian diuji menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil Tpe Regaud menunjukkan proporsi jumlah sel yang terwarnai adalah: < 25% (57.7%), 25-75% (11.5%), >75% (30.8%); tampilan warna lemah (57.7%), sedang (23.1%), kuat (19.2%) dan interpretasi intensitas warna lemah (92.4%), sedang (3.8%),kuat (3.8%). Tipe Schmincke menunjukkan proporsi jumlah sel yang terwarnai adalah 75% (29.6%); tampilan lemah (51.9%), sedang (25.9%), kuat 22.2%); Interpretasi intensitas warna lemah (81.5%), sedang (14.8%), kuat 3.7%). Uji Chi-square menunjukkan hasil yang tidak berbeda bermakna. Kesimpulan Tampilan MMP-9 pada undifferentiated karsinoma nasofaring tipe Regaud dan tipe Schmincke menunjukkan hasil yang hampir sama. Kata kunci: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, undifferentiatedkarsinoma nasofaring, tipe Regaud, tipeSchmincke, pulasan Imunohistokimia. ABSTRACT Background The growth pattern of undifferentiated carcinoma nasopharyngeal are Regaud type and Schmincke type. Regaud type consists of well defined aggregate of neoplastic epithelial cells surrounded by fibrous tissue and inflammatory cells; while Schmincke type, the neoplastic epithelial cells growth diffusely and are closely intermingled with inflammatory cells. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is proteolytic enzyme plays significant roles in nasopharyngeal carcinoma progression, including tumor invasion and metastasis. Objective The purpose of this research is to distinctive MMP-9 expression on undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma Regaud type and Schmincke type. Methods This research constitute analytic descriptive research with cross sectional design. Sample contain of 53 nasopharyngeal biopsy, that have been diagnosed as undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The result is test by Chi Square. Result Regaud type showed proportion amount of staining cells are: < 25% (57.7%), 25-75% (11.5%), >75% (30.8%); expression are: weak (57.7%), moderate (23.1%), strength (19.2%); interpretation color are: weak (92.4%), moderate (3.8%), strength (3.8%). Schmincke type showed proportion amount of staining cells are: 75% (29.6%); expression are: weak (51.9%), moderate (25.9%), strength 22.2%); Interpretation color intensity are: weak (81.5%), moderate (14.8%), strength (3.7%). Chi-square test showed no significant differences. Conclusion Expression MMP-9 on undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma Regaud type and Schmincke type showed nearly the same result. Key word: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, Undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Regaud type, Schmincke type, Immunohistochemistry.

Copyrights © 2015

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Health Professions Public Health


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