Journal of Marine Research and Technology
Published by Universitas Udayana
The Journal of Marine Research and Technology (JMRT) (p-ISSN 2621-0088 | e-ISSN 2621-0096) is an open access, scientific journal that aims to publish the dynamic of the coastal and ocean, its ecosystems and coastal environment, and Observation technology. JMRT is a peer-reviewed journal publishes original articles and critical reviews of current issues in marine science and technology. The range of topics extends from research in Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, management and conservation issues related to the marine resources. This includes remote sensing, ocean modelling, geographic information System (GIS), coastal engineering, coastal processes, marine instrument, ecology, genetics, marine pollution, fisheries, marine ecotourism, and it's economic and social. JMRT provides a forum for the discussion and sharing all the latest issues in marine research and technology. Editorial manager system is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. JMRT is issued twice a year, each February and August.
Publication Per Year