Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health
Background: Increased blood pressure for a long time can increase the risk of kidney failure, co­ronary heart disease, brain damage, and other di­seases. In 2019, it is estimated that hyper­tens­ion is experienced by 1.13 billion people in the world with most (two thirds) living in low and mid­­dle income countries. Other study also shows that the police and military are at risk of develop­ing hypertension due to a number of factors such as low know­led­ge about healthy and nutritious food, co-workers who are smokers, and consum­ing alco­hol. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for hypertension in the police and military in the world using meta analysis. Subjects and Method: This was a meta-ana­lysis and systematic review. The articles used we­re obtained from Google Scholar, Springer Link, Pro­­Quest, and Science Direct databases. Selected arti­cles published from 2000 to 2020. Keywords to search for articles are as follows: hypertension po­lice personnel and military, or hypertension po­lice personnel and military. The articles studi­ed are 3 full text articles with cross sectional stu­dy designs and 1 full text articles with case cont­rol study design. Articles are col­lect­ed using PRI­S­­­MA diagrams, and analy­zed us­ing the Re­vi­ew Ma­nager application 5.3. Results: Overweight (aOR= 1.42; 95% CI = 1.01 to 2.00; p= 0.04), alcohol consumption (aOR­=­ 1.­55; 95% CI= 1.12 to 2.12; p= 0.007), ciga­rette con­­­­sumption (aOR= 1.45 ; 95% CI= 1.06 to 1.97; p= 0.020) is a risk factor for hyper­­­tension in the po­­­lice and military. Conclusion: Overweight, alcohol consump­tion, and cigarette consump­tion, are risk fac­tors for hypertension in po­lice and military personnel.
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