BIMIKI (Berkala Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia)
Periodical Indonesian Nursing Students is the official journal of nursing students. The purpose of this journal is to provide a place for students to publish original articles to share knowledge related to improving health care and promoting nursing development. The articles we received include: 1. Original research 2. Literature Review 3. Case Reports 4. Editorial 5. Practical Instructions 6. Advetorial 7. Laboratory Research 8. Refreshing Articles of Nursing The scope of articles published in this journal discusses various topics namely: 1. Basic Nursing 2. Surgical Medical Nursing 3. Childcare 4. Nursing Maternity 5. Psychiatric Nursing 6. Emergency and Critical Nursing 7. Nursing Gerontik 8. Family and Community Nursing 9. Nursing Management 10. Disaster Nursing
Publication Per Year