BELLI AC PACIS (Jurnal Hukum Internasional)
Modern international law in the last few decades has experienced very rapid development, this is characterized by the emerge of the State in a modern sense, as well as a legal system that regulates relations between countries and international legal entities with each other. Relations between countries are no longer limited by absolute sovereignty, for example in the case of war crimes, the international community could sue countries or even individuals to be responsible for these actions based on universal principles. Recently, State practices is shifting from the hard law legal system to soft law which can be an alternative solution in breaking the deadlock when international political compromises are difficult to realize. Various international law development shows that there is a need for the international community to form a legal system that is acceptable to all parties, especially the State as a subject of international law par excellence. Therefore, the Belli ac Pacis Journal presents the multifarious developments in contemporary international law as a study of current State practices. The Belli ac Pacis Journal encompasses Public International Law, International Law of the Sea, International Humanitarian Law, International Environmental Law, International Criminal Law, International Organizational Law, International Dispute Settlement Law, Diplomatic Law, Air and Space Law, International Trade Organization Law, ASEAN Law, and International Economic Law.
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