Jurnal Teknoif Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Padang
The editors of the Jurnal TeknoIf (JTIf) are pleased to present this call for papers on Information Technology. JTIf specifically focuses on experimental study, design, planning and modeling, implementation method, and literature study. Topics include, but are not limited to: Artificial intelligence technologies Cloud computing Digital forensics Genetic algorithms and programming Grid computing Human Computer Interaction Image and speech recognition Internet of Things Mobile technology development Network architectures Network technologies Pattern recognition Sensor technologies Virtualization Wearable computing Wireless technologies ISSN : 2598-9197 (online), 2338-2724(print) Subject: Informatics Engineering Frequency: Semiannual Language: Indonesia Indexed at: Crossref, PKP Index, Citation: Google Scholar DOI :10.21063/jtif JTIf is published and imprinted by ITP Press and managed to be issued twice in every volume (April and October).
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