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Orientasi Baru adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang bertujuan menyampaikan pemikiran-pemikiran kritis yang dapat memberi inspirasi dan arah baru bagi kehidupan Gereja dan masyarakat Indonesia di tengah kemajemukan budaya dan agama dalam diskusi bidang filsafat, teologi ataupun ilmu-ilmu terkait dalam bentuk karya tulis, laporan penelitian dan resensi buku. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian Teologi Kontekstual, Fakultas Teologi Universitas Sanata Dharma. Jurnal terbit 2 kali dalam setahun (April dan Oktober).
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Articles 564 Documents
“Kenabian” dalam Tradisi Islam dan Rekam Jejak serta Penuturannya Prakosa, JB. Heru
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 22, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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In Islamic tradition, Muhammad is believed to be a prophet; and his prophethood was proved with a miracle in the form of i’jaz al-Qur’an. This means that anyone was challenged to bring something like the Qur’an at the level of its eloquence, and yet no one was able to do it. The prophethood of Muhammad was then transmitted from one generation to another generation by his followers, through the Islamic history, from the 2nd till the 4th or 5th centuries of the Hijriah. The report of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad is called hadith. Two main components of a hadith are the chain of transmitters (sanad) and the content or material of the hadith (matn). In fact, the study of hadith criticism should pay attention to those two components in balance. Apart from it, the study of hadith can also provide a room for building an interreligious encounter, both in theological and spiritual senses.
Kenabian dan Hukum Rubiyatmoko, Robertus
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 21, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Prophecy and the law are two things which are very closely related. A prophet’s mission, among others, is to make sure that the Law, which is the gift of God himself, is fully understood and observed by the Israelites. This is the main task of the prophets and also that of Jesus as well. This law of love in the Old Testament received its basic formulation in the Ten Commandments and the Torah. While in the New Testament, it is elaborated throughout the Bible. The teaching of the Bible then became the basis for the teaching of the Church and its tradition, as well as normatively defined in the Code of Canon Law. The Law is not intended to negate human freedom. Instead, it is created to protect it and to guarantee the rights and responsilibities of each member of the community. To support this purpose, the system of sanctions and due canonical process was applied in the life of the Church.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 26, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Dua wakil utusan dari Kornelius, para tua Yahudi dan sahabat-sahabatnya, dalam mukjijat penyembuhan (Lukas 7: 1-10) mempunyai fungsi khusus dalam tema univeralitas injil Lukas. Penginjil menggambarkan bahwa Yesus tidak pernah bertemu dengan Kornelius, Perwira Roma, tetapi Ia berjumpa dengan utusannya. Kisah tersebut menunjukkan kalau misi pada orang non-Yahudi belum datang waktunya pada masa Yesus karena misi tersebut akan mencapai klimaks saat pembaptisan Kornelius (Kis 10). Dua utusan Kornelius juga menunjukkan kerendahan hati sang perwira dan keyakinannya akan kuasa firman Yesus untuk menyembuhkan. Meskipun seorang Romawi, Kornelius adalah seorang takut akan Allah dan tertarik pada agama Yahudi. Makalah ini menganalisa teks Kitab Suci dengan memakai pendekatan ilmu sosial yang berfokus pada aspek sosilogis dan budaya Mediterania pada abad pertama. Analisa berfokus untuk mempelajari budaya Yahudi dan non Yahudi sebagai dua kelompok penting dalam komunitas Lukas. Tulisan ini berusaha memberi wawasan tentang nilai universalisme dan kesetaraan dalam Kristus antar kelompok Yahudi dan non-Yahudi.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 25, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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A major topic in the relation between the church and culture is the capacity of the church to incarnate the core of its faith into the life of the local culture. The faith in God is expressed in various human expressions either cultic or cultural. The church doesn’t risk its faith in God but expresses this faith in various ways adapted to the local culture where the church lives. Paul and his friends took effort to enter through the door of the Jews and the Greeks to bring the Gospel to them. Although he did not always get great success, his works have been producing great result. In the reflection of  the Asian Church regarding its existence in the life of Asia, the way to evangelization is, therefore, the incarnation of the Gospel in the life of the local culture.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 25, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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The faithful of the Archdiocese of Semarang put a high respect on the Eucharist in their daily life. In many parishes, there are so many people who celebrate and participate in the Eucharist. Besides, they also try to understand and fully experience the Eucharist in their daily life among others. This research, concludes that the Eucharist as the expression of the faith was fully experienced by the people of Santo Yohanes Rasul Somohitan Parish. It was supported by many kinds of means and by the proper understanding of the Eucharist. The Eucharist also gave the positive influences to the personal growth and the sensitivity of the social situations. This research showed that there was a close relationship between lex orandi, lex credendi, and lex vivendi. What the people pray, is what people believe in, and what the people believe in, is what the people fully experience.  The Eucharist’s full and comprehension in Santo Yohanes Rasul Somohitan parish should be evaluated continuesly. Based on that discovery, the Church was expected to give cathecism and other activities which could improve the Eucharist’s full and comprehension. And could give more positive influences to the community life.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 25, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Organ donation or Organ transplants cannot legitimate acts that are in themselves contrary to the dignity of persons and to the moral law. Organ donation or Organ transplants is not morally legitimate if it exposes the subject's life or physical and psychological integrity to disproportionate or avoidable risks. That actions does not conform to the dignity of the person if it takes place without the informed consent of the subject or those who legitimately speak for him.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 26, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Human beings live in a tension between the need to preserve precious traditions and to discover new values. Javanese people who live the tradition of kenduren for generations look for a new value to live in a new environment of life. Most research on the tradition of kenduren elaborates methods based on interpretation of the local community. This study will make use of  semantic analysis to interpret kenduren tradition based on philosophy of symbol introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes. The purpose of this study is to find new values of the tradition of kenduren. Then, the result of the research shall become a starting point to develop a theological reflection in the perspective of Christian faith as well asto formulate a pastoral program for the people who value and live this respective tradition of kenduren.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 24, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Managerial issues are rencently emerging as a new topic of pastoral discusions. The main question is: if there is possibility to combine some or many managerial principles and pastoral services in Catholic Church. The background of the question is a new understanding about being and becoming a Chruch in the modern world. The management sciences on leaderships and its strategic planning critically asked to the Catholic leaders: “how do the pastoral activities be arranged? How do the financial resources for pastoral purposes be managed? How do the pastoral human resources be planned? Etc. Questioning them the managerial sciences are opening a new perspective in the Church regarding to the role of management and its posibility to serve pastoral activities in the Church. But the Church, in the same time, is completely aware of her identity as firstly a spiritual body. She is a living community of Christians by faith. She is, however, a visible community as a sosial body which is able to be understood as an organizational entity. With her hyrarchical and leadershipsystems, her Cannon Law and its implementations, and her pastoral activities, the Church, no doubtly, is doing a series of managerial actions. This article puts in light the close relationship between the managerial principles and pastoral practices of Church.
Peziarahan Bima Mencari Air Kehidupan Hardono, Hardono
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 24, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Water is the source of life. Every living thing depends on the presence of water. Without water, life will never exist. Physically, water is needed by every of the absolute water has its own meaning. Man pulls out spiritual meaning of the local culture’s value especially about Wayang story. The meaning is “Peziarahan Bima Mencari Air Kehidupan Dewaruci”. Bima is a fictional character in Wayang culture that developed in Java. Bima is a symbol of man who longs to live with God. Bima integrates his existence and essence of his life. Bima is a true image of all human pilgrimage in the world. Bima is a symbol of individuation to achieve the perfection of life. Perfection was reflected in Acts Dewaruci. Bima met Dewaruci, and received Eternal Life Water (Words of Salvation). Finally, Bima can live happily in manunggaling kawula Gusti.
Berakah-Eucharistia Revisited Jenkins, Wayne
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 23, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Artikel ini bermaksud meneliti dan membandingkan penggunaan katakata dalam Perjamuan Terakhir, yaitu “mengucap syukur” (to give thanks) dan “memberkati” (berakah) yang mempunyai akar Yahudi kuat. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengamati kisah-kisah yang berkaitan dengan Perjamuan Terakhir, baik yang terdapat dalam Kitab Suci maupun dalam dokumen-dokumen liturgi yang berasal dari berbagai sumber dan periode.

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