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HIMMAH merupakan Jurnal kajian Islam kontemporer yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Pengajian Islam Universitas Nasional.
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Syari’at Perlindungan dan Pemeliharaan Alam Ahmad Sudirman Abbas
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8736.393 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.332


This paper discusses the important aspect of the shari’a practical wisdom as exemplified by Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Protecting the environment and creatures is one of the sharia objectives, on which human being is exalted into the position of Khalifah, that suggests the role of ‘guardian’ or ‘custodian’. It means that human being can fulfill its protector duties without undermining its existential being. The custodial objective is achieved when human being is able to preserve and develop the environment, not exploit and destroy. The development in the context of ‘custody’ does not necessarily mean prohibition of using and utilizing environmental resources, instead, it is a call to meet the need with reasonable and sustainable consideration. Humans are in need of caring and passionate behavior toward others, animals, trees and plantation and even they need to  plant trees for the sake of mother earth.That is why, in its applicable nature, not only did Islam recognize the existence of flora and fauna, but also treats them equal to human being. As further consequences of the aforementioned implementation of Islam, humans are supposed to behave passionately and with full of care to the whole and real world.Keywords: Khalifah, fauna-flora, environmental preservation, shari’a, sustainable utilization. Makalah ini membahas sisi penting kearifan praktis syari’at Islam yang dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW serta para sahabatnya. Dari ajaran syari’at dapat diketahui bahwa memelihara lingkungan serta makhluk hidup merupakan salah satu dari tujuan syariah. Oleh karena itu manusia diberi predikat khalifah dalam  kelestarian alam serta isinya. Sebagai khalifah, manusia berperan sebagai ‘penjaga’ dan ‘pemelihara’. Sebagai pemelihara, ia menjalankan tugas tanpa mengurangi eksistensinya. Pemeliharaan ini tercapai manakala manusia mampu melestarikan dan mengembangkan -- bukan mengurangi dan menghabiskan, bahkan menghancurkan. Pengembangan dalam kriteria ‘pemeliharaan’ tidak berarti larangan menggunakan atau memanfaatkan, tetapi justru anjuran memenuhi kebutuhan dengan pertimbangan logis dalam rangka pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan. Dalam bahasan ini lah diperlukan perilaku berlemah lembut terhadap manusia, berbuat baik kepada binatang, pepohonan dan tumbuhan hingga anjuran untuk menanam pohon untuk kebaikan di bumi. Oleh sebab itu, syaria’at Islam tidak hanya mengakui keberadaan fauna-flora, serta makhluk lainnya, namun memposisikan mereka sama dengan manusia. Maka sebagai tindak lanjut implementasi itu, manusia hendaknya mempunyai perilaku kasih sayang dalam kehidupan yang nyata kepada seluruh alam.Kata Kunci: Khalifah, fauna-flora, memelihara alam, shari’at, pemanfaatan berkelanjutan.
Etika Pelestarian Alam Hadi Sukadi Alikodra
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9271.631 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.333


Human survival needs the support of a sustainable nature – both directly and indirectly. However, the earth is facing an increasing destruction, mainly caused by the population growth and human behavior, as well as not environmentallyfriendly policies. The condition of nature and the environment continue to deteriorate along with growing human selfishness. They only think of short-term economic gain and underestimate the broader impacts of their actions. Human behavior is also far from the ethics and morals on the respect for nature and the environment.  Without a significant change or transformation of ethics and morals, damages in the ecological systems will go worse and result in a biological and social crisis. Religious leaders have brought forward the  ecosophy and ecosufism approach, which incorporates a set of conservation morals and ethics that include both ecological and spiritual dimensions. This philosophy is expected to become the basis for nature conservation and environmental movements to develop further for ecological sustainability.Keywords: biodiversity, deep ecology, ethics, morals, nature conservationKeberlanjutan manusia baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung membutuhkan dukungan alam lestari. Namun, bumi ini menghadapi kerusakan yang semakin serius, terutama disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan, sikap dan perilaku manusia, serta kebijakannya kurang bersahabat dengan alam dan lingkungannya. Kondisi alam dan lingkungan yang semakin memburuk berkaitan dengan karakter manusia yang semakin egois. Mereka hanya memikirkan keuntungan ekonomi jangka pendek,kurang memperhitungkan dampaknya secara luas. Perilaku manusia pun semakin jauh dari etika dan moral yang menghargai alam dan lingkungan. Oleh karenanya jika tidak ada perubahan dan transformasi etika dan moral secara signifikan maka akan semakin memperparah kerusakan sistem ekologi bumi yang terus berkembang menjadi krisis biologi dan krisis sosial. Para pemuka agama pun mengajak umatnya untuk melakukan pendekatan ecosophyataupun ecosufi,suatu etika dan moral pelestarian alam yang mencakup dimensi ekologi dan dimensi spiritual. Diharapkan filosofi ini menjadi dasar bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya gerakan pelestarian alam dan lingkungan bagi keberlanjutan ekologi bumi.Kata kunci: biodiversity, deep ecology, etika, moral, pelestarian alam
Pengaruh Sosialisasi Fatwa MUI N0. 4 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pelestarian Satwa Langka Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan, Persepsi, dan Preferensi Masyarakat di Kawasan Penyangga Kawasan Nasional Ujung Kulon, Banten Eko Yudha Prawira; Yeremiah Rubin Camin; Fachruddin M Mangunjaya
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8774.628 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.334


Indonesia ranks highest in biodiversity, but such invaluable wealth brings various natural resources and environmental problems. One of the problems is species extinction and it is a big cause for concern to know that the species under threat of extinction is Badak Jawa, local name for Rhinoceros sondaicus. This animal lives in the Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten Province. Winning support of the Indonesian Forestry Ministry and the Universitas Nasional, the Indonensian Ulemas Council (MUI) issues a fatwa on wildlife protection. It was not immediately clear whether or not the fatwa brings changes to the people’s behavior in treating the nature and the environment. The absence of such information is the reason behind this research, which examines the fatwa’s impacts, if any, of the religios sermon, to the knowledge, awareness and behavior of the nature and the environment in the TNUK area. Data collection is made three times during a threemonth period in the buffer zone of TNUK. The method used is purpose sampling involving questionnaires that are distributed before and after the sermon. The research finds an increase of knowledge after sermon preaching the fatwa; the variables of people’s perception increase but with unsignificant data due to the big p value (p>0.05), while variables of preference do not increase after sermon.Keywords: fatwa, knowledge, perception, preference, endangered species.Indonesia merupakan negara dengan tingkat keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi, seiring dengan besarnya potensi tersebut Indonesia juga memiliki berbagai permasalahan terkait dengan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Salah satunya adalah kepunahan jenis dan diantara hewan yang mengalami permasalahan kepunahan jenis paling memperihatinkan adalah Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) yang terdapat di TNUK Banten. Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)  mengeluarkan Fatwa No 4 tahun 2014 tentang Pelestarian Satwa Langka untuk Keseimbangan Ekosistem. Sejak diberlakukannya fatwa tersebut belum kajian yang mengkaji mengenai  dampak fatwa tersebut di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ceramah dan sosialisasi fatwa terhadap tingkat pengetahuan, persepsi dan preferensi masyarakat di Kawasan TNUK Banten. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama tiga kali dalam jangka waktu tiga bulan di Kawasan Penyangga TNUK Banten. Metode yang digunakan adalah  purposive sampling dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang dibagikan sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan ceramah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya korelasi peningkatan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat setelah dilakukannya ceramah dan sosialisasi fatwa. Di sisi lain juga terjadi peningkatan terhadap variabel persepsi masyarakat namun data peningkatan tersebut dinilai tidak signifikan (p>0.05), sedangkan dalam variabel preferensi tidak terjadi peningkatan nilai rataan setelah dilakukannya kegiatan ceramah dan sosialisasi fatwa.Keyword: Fatwa, Pengetahuan, Persepsi, Preferensi, Satwa Langka
Tingkat Persepsi dan Kesadaran Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Beringin Terhadap Fatwa MUI No. 04 Tentang Perlindungan Satwa Langka untuk Keseimbangan Ekosistem Teuku Abdul Hafizd; Yeremiah Rubin Camin; Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6664.812 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.335


Islam is a religion that covers all aspects of life, not only spirituality. It includes guidance on how humans nurture and care for the nature. Therefore Islam orders humans to manage and preserve the natural wealth and sustainably use. Conservation, meanwhile, is an effort to protect all God’s creatures. The Unviversitas Nasional(UNAS) in cooperation with some Non-Governmental Organizations, push the Indonesia Ulemas Council (MUI) forward to issue  a fatwa on the wildlife protection. Being an authority in religious affairs, the fatwa would serve a practical guidance on how Muslim  treat  the nature based on Islamic teachings. The MUI did issue the fatwa on September 2014, which is ensued by sets of training for Islamic preachers [da’i] in several places of Indonesia. One of the training was held in the Riau Province. The training was further followed by socialization of the fatwa to the community through Friday prayer speech (khutbah) by the fresh-trained preachers. Tanjung Beringin, a village adjacent to the Bukit Rimbang-Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve,  was selected to be a spot for assessment. This area is chosen for its Islamic local wisdom and its inhabitants’ reliance on raw natural products. This study compared the conditions before and after the sermon and showed that the sermon was able to increase the people’s awareness of  conservation significantly (P≤0,05 n=112,) but unable to change the perception significantly (P> 0.05 n = 112) when compared to pre-sermon. This suggests that more training and education that leads to alternative livelihood is needed – a living that does not rely on raw natural resources.Keyword: Bukit Rimbang-Bukit Baling, Fatwa, Islam, conservation, endangered speciesIslam merupakan agama yang memayungi seluruh aspek kehidupan, bukan hanya meliputi masalah spriritual, tetapi termasuk bagaimana manusia memelihara dan memperhatikan alam. Oleh karena itu Islam memerintahkan manusia mengelola dan menjaga seluruh kekayaan alam secara berkelanjutan. Konservasi, di lain pihak, merupakan upaya melindungi segala makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Universitas Nasional bekerjasama dengan berbagai Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat mengkaji, mempelopori, dan memohon agar Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) sebagai otoritas penting yang bisa memberikan pedoman pemeliharaan alam berdasarkan Islam, mengeluarkan fatwa mengenai perlindungan satwa langka dan keseimbangan ekosistem. Selain itu, MUI bersama Pusat Pengajian Islam, Universitas Nasional menindak lanjuti fatwa tersebut dengan mengadakan pelatihan dai konservasi di berbagai daerah salah satunya berada di Propinsi Riau. Setelah pelatihan ini dilakukan, sosialisasi dilakukan kepada masyarakat melalui khutbah konservasi oleh da’i yang telah mengikuti pelatihan ke tempat asalnya. Salah satu tempat yang diamati adalah desa Tanjung Beringin, di Suaka Margasatwa (SM) Bukit RimbangBukit Baling, Riau. Daerah ini dipilih sebagai tempat penelitian karena memiliki bentuk kearifan lokal yang bercorakkan Islam dan masih bergantung hidup pada hasil alam. Penelitian ini membandingkan kondisi sebelum dan sesudah khutbah dan menunjukkan khutbah yang dilakukan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran konservasi secara signifikan (P≤0,05) namun tidak mampu mengubah persepsi jamaah secara signifikan (P>0,05 n=112). Ini mengindikasikan kebutuhan akan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang membuat masyarakat desa tidak bergantung pada hasil alam dan mencari alternatif usaha yang berkelanjutan.Kata kunci: Bukit Rimbang-Bukit Baling, Fatwa, Islam, Konservasi, Satwalangka
Resensi Buku : Futuhat al Makiyah Hari Zamharir
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7520.29 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.336


Resensi Buku : Ekoteologi Islam Bernuansa Gender Berdasarkan Al-Quran Amri Khoiriyah
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 1, No 01 (2017): Volume 1 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7509.851 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v1i01.337


Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 2, No 1-2 (2018): Himmah Journal Volume 2, Number 1-2 2018
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1810.57 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v2i1-2.487


Democracy is seen as an ideal paradigm to achieve peace and justice in a particular country. BeingMuslim-populated country, Indonesia encounters a dilemma where democracy draws pros and conseven within Islamic point of view. This paper is to decipher democracy in Islam and elaborateIslamic values in the practice of democracy in Indonesia. This is a literary study focusing on Islamand democracy in Indonesia. The conclusion is that the Western democracy does not fit in withIndonesia whose people believe in one god. However, democracy is essentially part of Islam, whichis a set of values. In practice, it seems that internalization of Islamic values into practice ofdemocracy in Indonesia is inevitable, because democracy in Indonesia is in accordance with Islam.Keywords: Islamic-values, democracy, Indonesia, Islam, muslim
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 2, No 1-2 (2018): Himmah Journal Volume 2, Number 1-2 2018
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1810.635 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v2i1-2.488


Islamic economy is an economic system that stand on the principle of justice, where sharedprofits and welfare, not personal gain, are the main goal. In the Islamic economic system, theprinciples are: first, getting down to the economy is to meet basic needs in order to worshipand to thank Allah SWT; second, setting the real sector in motion to get the currency incirculation so that no one would be able to accumulate wealth as much as they wish. Thephenomenon of Islamic economic revival in the era of globalization plays a very important rolein dealing with the global economic and financial crisis. The government as a regulator has animportant to achieve the goals of Islamic economy. The goal is falah, which can be achievedthrough maslahah optimization. Therefore, with mandate from Allah SWT and the community,the government’s role in general is to bring what is good for the whole community. There is aneed to observe a number of driving factors behind the Islamic economy revival in the era ofglobalization. The first driving factor is the people’s awareness. The ummah plays double rolesas object and subjec of Islamic economy development. Second, human resources, in term ofquantity and quality. Three qualifications of human resources are required to set the Islamiceconomy in motion. They are kafa’ah (expertise), himmah (work ethics) and amanah(trustworthy). Third, self-reliance of the ummah, that is, the need to change the mindset ofMuslims in regard to Islam with sharia values. Fourth, the need for an institutionand support,complete and conducive system. Fifth, the role and government policy in the development ofIslamic economic system, the support of People’s House of Representatives [DPR] areimmensely important. The government agencies and legislative institution cooperate withofficials in working for the National Sharia Council / DSN-MUI.Keywords: Islamic economy, globalization, syaria bank, Indonesia, policy.
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 2, No 1-2 (2018): Himmah Journal Volume 2, Number 1-2 2018
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1794.6 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v2i1-2.489


Diversity is a fact that is often denied by some who do not want to be responsible, so often assumeothers who disagree and not the same as himself as the culprit of mistakes, and he is the mostcorrect among others. They forget the history of the plurality of the country. This has actually hurtthe already grounded culture in the archipelago that this nation was born into a culture of diversity.Unfortunately, the person who is reluctant to take responsibility often makes the verses of the Quranjustify his behavior. Consequently, the Qur’an is often politicized for the benefit of the individual, oreven his group by putting aside the cultural heritage mentioned above. Yet the essence of holyrevelation [al-Quran] always tells us to uphold the truth in diversity culture. The culture ofmulticulturalism is indeed embodied and legalized in the Qur’an. This is in accordance with themission of the Koran itself as a revelation that saalih likulli time wa al-meal that has long confirmedthe legality of difference and diversity.Keywords: al Qur’an, archiphelago, diversity, culture, plurality.
Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer Vol 2, No 1-2 (2018): Himmah Journal Volume 2, Number 1-2 2018
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1794.389 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jkik.v2i1-2.490


The aim of this research see the comparison of learning methods and the results of learning Arabicin the modern Al-Hidayah Islamic boarding school in Jambi City and the traditionalSa’adatuddaren Islamic boarding school in Jambi City. The subjects of the study is the head of themodern Al - Hidayah Islamic boarding school in Jambi City and the Jambi City Sa’adatuddarentraditional boarding school, Arabic language teachers in each pesantren and santri of each Islamicboarding school. Data collection technique is a method used by researcher to find data with using atype of qualitative research. Due to the method of learning Arabic in the modern Al-Hidayah Islamicboarding school in the city of Jambi and the traditional Sa’adatuddaren Islamic boarding school inthe city of Jambi has a difference and the learning objectives of each pesantren are different. Theresults of learning Arabic between the modern Al-Hidayah Islamic boarding school in the city ofJambi and the traditional Sa’adatuddaren Islamic boarding school in the city of Jambi there arealso clear differences. This is evidenced by the santri of modern Islamic boarding schools in moremodern Al - Hidayah Jambi City more able to communicate with Arabic and santri in the traditionalSa’adatuddaren Islamic boarding school in Jambi City more able to read and translate it, whenopening books using Arabic santri will be able to directly read and translate itKeywords: earning methods, learning outcomes, Arabic