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International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
ISSN : 25811347     EISSN : 25811347     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research (IJBESR) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to architectural design; building science; history, critics, and theory of architecture; urban planning; and housing and settlement study.
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Articles 7 Documents
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A Preliminary Study of Housing Satisfaction, Mobility, and Adaptation of the Jakartans in 2020-2021 Putra Bagus Khalis; Joko Adianto
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.111-126


This study aims to investigate the factors of housing satisfaction, mobility, and adaptation for providing suitable housing quality to the needs of the Jakarta residents. Although many housing provision programs are delivered in the capital city to accommodate the housing needs of the Jakartans, its result remains unsuccessful to attract interest from the designated homebuyers in the capital city, especially the middle and low-income groups, due to its unaffordable housing price and potentially unmeet housing preferences and satisfaction. According to the quantitative analysis of 400 respondents, it finds age and marital status are the prominent socio-demographic factors of housing satisfaction, mobility, and adaptation of the Jakartans, followed by various attributes of housing norms. This study encourages the city authority, planners, and architects must thoroughly plan the location of housing planning with sufficient proximity to the public amenities, which also implicates the investment opportunities, land, and building taxes. While adaptable housing design is suggested to enable self-help development by the residents for coping with the unforeseen needs in the future according to their life cycle stages.
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.83-96


St. Yusuf 's Church located in Cirebon City is included in one of the oldest catholic church colonial buildings in West Java with a function as a gathering place and a place of worship for Christians. The church has an interesting facade in every part, starting from the roof, walls, columns and not too much use of such complicated ornaments. The facade of St. Yusuf 's Church certainly has a variety of types that affect the appearance of the facade in terms of aesthetic elements used as supporting elements and characteristics of a facade which is usually found in all colonial buildings in Indonesia. The various types of aesthetic elements on the facade of St. Yusuf 's Church are categorized into three parts, namely the head, body, and legs which are then influenced by architectural styles. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive analysis method by tracing the aesthetic elements on the facade of the building against the theory of architectural style. The results of the study showed that several types of aesthetic elements on the facades of Church buildings were included in colonial styles, indische empires, Romanesque with gothic and art deco touches.
Building Envelope Design with Glass Curtain Wall to Reduce OTTV, Study Case: WU Tower Building at Bandung, Indonesia Nur Laela Latifah; Kevin Hilman Zulwaqar; Kintania Andini; Amila Salma Nisa
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.97-110


Indonesia has the potential to get exposure to frontal solar radiation with a high enough intensity so that excessive external thermal loads received by building can cause thermal discomfort for users.Generally, the building envelope of office building is using a glass curtain wall, this causes increasing the consumption of electrical energy.For this reason, it is very important to design the right building envelope in order to reduce the heat transfer.As a tool to determine the external thermal load received by the building envelope is OTTV. The analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively based on data on the condition of the WU Tower building which became the case.The value of the benefits obtained from this research is the acquisition of proposals for improving the design of the building envelope in Bandung which can be applied to mixed use buildings with the main function of the office.
Spatial Hierarchy In The Tengger House, Ranu Pani Village Sani Syauqi Azmi; Lisa Dwi Wulandari; Yusfan Adeputera Yusran
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.139-152


The Tengger tribe inhabits the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area, a national park area that is synonymous with natural and cultural tourism. Among the villages in the Tengger area, Ranu Pani Village is the most recently administratively formed village in 2001. The uniqueness of Ranu Pani Village is located in the middle of the National Park area so that its status as an enclave village. With this status, the village cannot increase its land expansion because it is confined to a protected forest area. it is common for Ranu Pani houses are often found between children and parents close together. The existence of residential houses that are close to those of parents and children as well as tourists make the space users of a house diverse. The privacy of a space is interesting to know from the space in the house in Ranu Pani Village which has different dynamics of function and occupants of the space. method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that the basic hierarchy of spatial from houses in Ranu Pani Village still has many similarities with other Tengger studies, but some have adapted with form and function from the house.
Dwelling and the Environment: Community-Based Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change Samsu Hendra Siwi
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.153-166


The energy crisis, food crisis, and clean water have been felt as a result of climate change. The community and the government are trying to take steps to mitigate the impacts of climate change through various such as public awareness, education, and community and government programs. How does the community implement adaptation and mitigation programs from the architectural aspect to climate change in their environment? The purpose of this research is to know about the community's activity in adaptation practices in their environment in urban housing with everyday life to the issue of climate change. The phenomenological method is used by taking the location of RW 11 Pekayon Jaya Bekasi. The everyday life theory lens comprehensively analyzes people's daily lives in adapting to and mitigating climate change. The results of this study serve as an evaluation material for implementing adaptation efforts to climate change in the urban environment.
EXPLORATION OF SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT CHANGES AS A FORM OF SPATIAL SUSTAINABILITY IN DWELLING. Case Study : Kilungan House in Kudus Old City, Indonesia Anisa Anisa; Ashadi Ashadi; Finta Lissimia; Rustama Fasda Bimatukmaru
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.127-138


Space is an architectural form that is used to accommodate activities with certain functions. In a space contained activities carried out by humans and functions that represent these activities. Sometimes during this period the space undergoes changes in activity and function. Space can undergo physical and non-physical changes to respond to changes in these activities and functions. Kilungan is a local term used to refer to the tall massive fence in the Old City of Kudus. The massive fence, known as the kilungan, was built with one of the goals to provide a sense of security. Inside the kilungan house, there are at least 2 main building masses, namely the main house and the supporting buildings. The spaces in the kilungan house which have been inhabited for more than 100 years have also undergone changes in response to the spatial sustainability of the dwelling. The purpose of this study is to explore, describe, and get the meaning of changes in space in the kilungan house. This study uses an inductive qualitative method. The initial stage is to make observations to get the distribution of the kilungan house. The research area is limited to the Old City of Kudus, Indonesia. The core stage of the research is data collection and analysis carried out simultaneously inductively. Exploration is carried out on cases to obtain findings in accordance with research objectives. The results of this study were found changes in spatial arrangement in the kilungan house in the form of: (1) changes in function without changing the physical form of space, found in spaces that accommodate different activities but have the same activity pattern; (2) changing the function of changing the spatial arrangement without changing the mass of the building; (3) changes in spatial arrangement change the physical building; (4) shifting activity changes zoning (5) Determining the direction of change does not change the orientation of the building in the circle. ; (6) Spatial sustainability in residential areas is indicated by changes in activities, functions, spatial arrangement but does not change the core things which are the concept of the kilungan house. Spatial sustainability can be found in the adaptations made by building users to new functions in the spaces in the dwelling.
The Influence of Socio-demographic Characteristics to Housing Satisfaction and Mobility Agra Senopati Anand Prasetyo; Joko Adianto
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.6.2.167-180


This study aims to understand the pivotal factors of housing satisfaction and mobility according to the demographic characteristics with its hindrances in Indonesia. Several studies prove the residents refuse to move despite experiencing housing dissatisfaction by adjusting the housing or adapting to the housing mostly because of the poor financial capacity or have realistic housing preferences to cope with the experienced housing dissatisfaction. This study employs a quantitative research method by collecting 534 respondents through an online questionnaire. According to the regression analysis, this study finds sex, age, monthly income, and marital status are the major demographic characteristics for driving housing satisfaction and mobility in the Indonesian context. In both sex categories, the increasing age tends to increase the monthly income and enter marriage, which enables the respondents to deliver housing mobility.

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