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THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 3: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN KUPANG (Musculita senhausia) DALAM SARI BELIMBING WULUH (Averrhoa bilimbi) TERHADAP KADAR LOGAM BERAT Pb Drs. Sudirman, AptProdi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM SurabayaAbstract Kupang is one category of animals with complete protein that has a high tolerance for concentrations of certain metals that can accumulate heavy metals than other animals, one of the heavy metals that can be accumulated by mussels body is lead (Pb). Starfruit has antioxidants that can bind to the levels of Pb in Pb in mussels mussels that can be reduced. The formulation of this research is there any effect of soaking mussels in cider starfruit on levels of lead (Pb)? The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of starfruit juice on levels of Pb in mussels, to analyze laboratory Pb levels in mussels without giving starfruit juice, and to analyze laboratory Pb levels in mussels by giving starfruit juice. Type of research is experimental. The samples analyzed were mussels mussels sold by traders in the Market Village Kenjeran Sukolilo Bulak district, a total of 6 samples obtained from 7 merchants. Traders - traders were selected at random from 7 vendors selling mussels. Taking mussels each merchant mussels sampled as many as 1 in order to obtain the number of 6 samples. Of 6 samples obtained such that each - each sample to get 4 treatments, ie the one without treatment and the three treated (soaked in cider starfruit with immersion length variation). From the results of examination by using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer obtained average - average levels of Pb in mussels without soaking the starfruit juice at 12.35 ppm, and after soaking in starfruit juice Pb levels in mussels, marinated for 30 minutes, 60 minutes , and 90 minutes respectively - were in the amount of 8.04 ppm, 4.67 ppm, and 3.79 ppm. Statistical analyzes Anova test showed the influence of duration of immersion in starfruit juice on levels of Pb in mussels with significance level (P) 0.000 where the value is less than 0.05. Keyword : Kupang (Musculita senhausia), Averrhoa bilimbi, lead (Pb)
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 2: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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GAMBARAN HASIL PEMERIKSAAN TOKSIKOLOGI PADA JENAZAH DI INSTALASI KEDOKTERAN FORENSIK DAN MEDIKOLEGAL RSUD DR SOETOMO SURABAYADrs. Sudirman, Apt., M.M.Kes.Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM  SurabayaAbstractSome man-made toxins results as chemicals and toxic drug example can be found in the home and in industry. Almost every household production contain chemicals that could potentially cause poisoning. Such as bleach clothes, oil paint mixed materials, medicines prescribed by a doctor or available commercially, very dangerous and become toxic when consumed in excess. The response of the body against toxins each individual not the same, depending on the immune system, age, gender. The impact of toxins into the body when it will receive the response ranging from mild to severe and can lead to death. Death by poisoning indication categorized with unnatural deaths, to determine the type of poison as the cause of death Toxicology laboratory examination. On this occasion the author will present a descriptive picture of poison or poisoned accompanying cause of death in the installation of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Hospital Dr. Soetomo.  Keyword : poisoning, Forensic
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 3: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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PERBEDAAN KADAR TRIGLISERIDA PADA PENGKONSUMSI KOPI DAN BUKAN PENGKONSUMSI KOPI Dr. dr. Hartono Kahar, Sp.PK. MQIH. Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM Surabaya AbstractCoffee is a beverage that is loved by the people of Indonesia. Coffee can increase LDL and triglycerides (Royyak, 2010). Triglycerides are a type of lipid (fat) found in the blood. When we eat, our bodies change partially unused calories into triglycerides. Triglycerides are stored in the fat cells of the body, if stored too long will be cholesterol and accumulate in the blood vessels, causing constriction of blood vessels and increase the risk of heart attack. Formulation of the problem in this study is Are there differences in the levels of triglycerides in coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers ?. The purpose of this study to determine differences in triglyceride levels in coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers. Type of research is observational with a total sample of 30 samples. 15 samples for coffee drinkers and 15 samples for non-coffee drinkers. Samples are healthy people who are accustomed to consuming coffee and rarely consume coffee every day. Types of coffee are consumed coffee mashed. The results showed average levels of triglycerides in the coffee drinkers of 245 mg / dl and the average levels of triglycerides in non-coffee drinkers of 113.33 mg / dl. Statistical analysis using the t-test showed that the levels of triglycerides free at coffee drinkers was higher than non-coffee drinkers. Keyword : coffea, LDL     
Pengaruh Perasan Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli Patogen Fitrotin Azizah
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Vol 1, No 1 (2018): The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.529 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jmlt.v1i1.982


 abstract (Averrhoa bilimbi) is one of the plants that can be used as an antibacterial, good flowers, stems, leaves and stems have benefits and efficacy. Chemical constituents of the leaves starfruit are tannins, flavonoids, saponins. The active ingredient in the leaves starfruit is tannin. Escherichia coli is a bacterium that causes diarrhea. From the above discussion, the authors raised the theme of Influence starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of pathogenic E. coli bacteria. Formulation of the problem researchers is whether there is influence starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of Escherichia coli pathogens. This study aims to determine the concentration that could inhibit and kill Esherichia coli Escherichia coli. This research is experimental. The sample used is leaf green starfruit not so young in a fresh state taken in the area around the boarding author Sutorejo 11B stay. In this study, the sample size for each treatment as much as 3 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% and C (control). Independent variables are starfruit juice of the leaves, while the dependent variable growth of Escherichia coli. When the study carried out in January and July 2012. Data on the effect of starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of Escherichia coli tested by laboratory examination and data collection techniques using Chi-Square 0:05. Based on the results it appears that at a concentration of 100% and 90% were able to kill the bacteria Escherichia coli, whereas the inhibitory power ranging from a concentration of 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%. From Chi-Square test was obtained λ2 count <of λ2 table. From this it turns out there leaves starfruit juice effect on the growth of Escherichia coli pathogenic bacteria.Keyword : Leaves starfruit, E. Coli
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 3: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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ANALISA KADAR PROTEIN TELUR AYAM KAMPUNG  (Gallus domesticus)  TERHADAP  LAMA PENYIMPANAN PADA SUHU 12 – 15 0CBaterun Kunsah, S.T., M.Si.Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM AbstractProtein is a large molecule with a molecular weight of 5000 to tens of millions. Egg protein is one of high quality animal protein and easy to digest when compared with other types of animal protein, the protein is more abundant in egg yolk, which is as much as 16.5% egg yolk and egg white as much as 10.9%. Excess chicken egg is more complete, more savory and smelly lower levels. In the process of egg storage containers require eggs da RH and temperature shelf space that is conducive to maintaining the quality of chicken eggs. In particular the use of home stairs eggs stored in the refrigerator, cold storage is best done at the optimum temperature 12-15oC with 70-80% RH. At the pH of fresh egg yolk in one week 6.0 and 6.8 pH rises, the increase in pH with storage time of more than one week is cause dilution. Hence the need for the right information vulnerable long time storage and there is damage or not on Gallus domesticus  chicken eggs to protein content to be stored at the optimum temperature.This research type is experimental, the sample of this study is the fresh hen’s egg out of the village and its population is derived from Gallus domesticus chicken egg farmers at Ngenep RT 2/RW1 Karang Ploso subdistrict of Malang. The method used for inspection of protein content is Kjeldhal Modified method it obtained the results of the protein levels at 0 days 12:37%, 13:09% 5 days, 10 days 13.74%, 14:24% 15 day, 20 day 15.83%, all of these results as the conclusion there is effect on the length of egg storage to the protein content on egg Gallus domesticus. Keyword : Protein analyze, Gallus domesticus 
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 4: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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HUBUNGAN JUMLAH LEUKOSIT DENGAN KADAR C REAKTIF PROTEIN PADA PENDERITA FEBRIS dr. Endriana Soedjat, Sp. PK.Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM Surabaya AbstractLeukocyte is a unit of the bodys defense system that serves to protect the body against the entry of foreign objects. One of the causes of the increased number of leukocytes due to the entry of bacteria in the body marked increase in the number of leukocytes neutrophils or polymorphonuclear leukocytosis (netrofilia). C Reactive Protein is one of the acute phase protein levels in the blood is increased in acute infection as non-specific immune response by binding to various microorganisms. C Reactive Protein measurement used to assess the activity of inflammatory diseases. n some cases where the number of leukocytes increased while the C Reactive Protein levels normally make the clinician asks for re-examination. Accordingly, this study was conducted by taking a formulation of the problem "Is there a relationship with a number of leukocytes Reactive Protein C levels in patients with febrile" This research is correlational aimed to determine the relationship of the number of leukocytes and levels of C reactive protein in patients with febrile symptoms in Hospital Surabaya Family Partners for 211 patients. This study was conducted from January to June 2011. Based on the results of the chi square test for leukocyte counts and levels of C Reactive Protein, obtained significant level of 22.57 which showed no correlation with the number of leukocytes Reactive Protein C levels in patients with febrile symptoms.Keyword : leukocyte, C reactif  protein
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 1: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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PENGARUH PENGENCERAN ASAM SULFOSALYSIL TERHADAP PEMERIKSAAN POSITIF PROTEIN URIN Rahma W, S.Si, Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM Surabaya  AbstractThe examination of urinary protein, there are several kinds of methods that can be used is 20% sulfosalysil acid method, stick, acetate acid, bence jones, and Esbach. Sulfosalysil acid method is a non-specific indicator, the method is sensitive to the protein in a concentration of 0.002%. In the laboratory there are health centers that use sulfosalysil acid reagent for examination of urinary protein, in addition to using a stick of urine (strip dye). Reagent consumption is expected to have economic value, it is necessary dilution reagent. Dilution reagent can reduce the level of Corrosiveness to laboratory personnel, the smaller the concentration of reagent concentrations the less the level of corrosive. So it apost prandialears a formulation of the problem in this research is "Are there sulfosalysil acid dilution effect of the positive examination of urinary protein?". This type of research used in writing this paper is an experimental study. The population in this study were patients with positive urine protein urine in hospitals Dr.Soetomo Surabaya in the first week of June 2011. Samples were taken from patients with positive urine protein urine in hospitals Dr.Soetomo Surabaya in the first week of June 2011 were taken randomly . To supost prandialort this research, we used a statistical test friedman test, the results obtained friedman test p = 1.000. So there is no significant difference between giving a urine protein levels sulfosalysil acid 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, and 1%. In this test, from acid dilution sulfosalysil same statistical results obtained, it is caused by the acid-sensitive protein sulfosalysil in a concentration of 0.002%. Therefore, when the protein concentration <0.002% then sulfosalysil acid can not detect the presence of protein in the urine. To strengthen the results, it can be seen the formation of precipitates. Key word: sulfosalycil acid, urine protein
Efektivitas Perasan Daun Bunga Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus Yeti Eka Sispitasari
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Vol 1, No 1 (2018): The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.428 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jmlt.v1i1.1011


Resistensi antibiotik merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh tenaga medis di seluruh dunia. Menurut WHO angka kematian akibat resistensi antibiotik sampai tahun 2014 sebesar 700.000 per tahun. Salah satu faktor pemicu meningkatnya kasus yakni penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak bijak pada manusia. Diperlukan alternatif antibiotik untuk mengendalikan infeksi bakteri, yang murah dan aman dengan menggunakan bahan alami berasal dari tanaman. Salah satu alternatifnya adalah daun bunga sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L). Dalam Daun bunga sepatu terkandung senyawa antimikroba yaitu: taraxeryl acetat, flavonoid, polifenol, dan saponin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas perasan daun bunga sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus.Jenis penelitian bersifat eksperimental laboratorium dengan post-test design group with control secara in vitro. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode difusi Ring dengan kosentrasi bahan uji yang digunakan 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, dan kontrol negatif serta positif (tetrasiklin). Populasi penelitian adalah Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 berasal dari Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabaya. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah annova dengan syarat data harus berdistribusi normal dan homogen dan dilanjutkan ke uji tukey HSD.Hasil analisis data uji annova menunjukkan bahwa perasan daun kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) efektif menghambat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dengan (nilai ρ<0,05). Diameter zona hambat perasan terbesar pada kosentrasi 100% yakni 26,6 mm dan terkecil pada 25% yakni 7,6 mm.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian daun bunga sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) belum bisa dianggap sebagai alternatif untuk penanggulangan penggunaan antibiotik kimia dikarenakan kontrol pembanding yang gunakan merupakan golongan antibiotik generasi pertama. Sehingga perlu diadakan penelitian dengan menggunakan kontrol pembanding antibiotik generasi terbaru. Kata kunci : Daun Bunga sepatu, Staphylococcus aureus 
Pengaruh Lama Pemanasan Terhadap Kadar Alkohol Pada Nira Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer) siti mardiyah
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Vol 1, No 1 (2018): The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.094 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jmlt.v1i1.977


 abstractNira is a raw material for the manufacture of liquid brown sugar, palm sugar, and alcoholic beverages. Among these products are the most widely used alcoholic beverage. During this siwalan juice as a beverage consumed fresh, the storage period is relatively short whice for 1-2 days. If after 3 days the beverage is consumed will have a negative impact, to reduce the alcohol content is then made warming. Based on the above background can be taken formulation of the problem "whether there was an effect on levels of alcohol prolonged heating on sap siwalan"?. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect on levels of alcohol prolonged heating on sap siwalan. This research is a kind of experimental research with the aim to determine the effect of prolonged heating of the alcohol content in the sap siwalan. The sampling technique used was random sampling, totaling 24 samples. Variable work was composed of independent variables and the dependent variable. Alcohol Examination conducted on sap siwalan by doing without heating or 0 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes, using a number of methods Pycnometer six replication. From these results a decrease in the average alcohol content of sap siwalan on any heating for 10 min, 20 min and 30 min, after using ANOVA statistical test obtained p = 0.000 (p <0.05) can be summed Ha Ho is rejected or accepted which means there is prolonged heating effect on levels of alcohol in the juice siwalan.Key word : Nira, Level of alcohol, prolonger heating 
Analisa Bilangan Peroksida dan Bilangan Asam pada Minyak Goreng Pedagang Penyetan Di Sutorejo Surabaya Mardiyah, Siti
THE JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Edisi 3: The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Analisa Bilangan Peroksida dan Bilangan Asam pada Minyak Goreng Pedagang Penyetan Di Sutorejo Surabaya Siti Mardiyah, S.Si., M.Kes.Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM Surabaya Abstract Cooking oil is the oil derived from plants or animal fat purified, is liquid at room temperature and is typically used to fry food. Cooking oil can be used up to 3-4 times a frying pan. If used repeatedly, the oil will change color. Oil damage can occur due to various factors, one of which is the temperature or heat which becomes a standard indicator for  high peroxide and acid numbers. Peroxide and acid number according to the requirements of SNI is 5.0 milligrams of oxygen per 100 gram. The aim of research to find out the levels of peroxide and acid in the cooking oil used by Penyetan traders at Sutorejo street in Surabaya.This is a descriptive research that finds out the levels of peroxide and acid in the cooking oil. The research population used is the cooking oil of Penyetan traders at Sutorejo street Surabaya, and samples of it are 36 samples taken randomly. The content analysis of peroxide and acid uses iodometric method.The result shows that there are 6 samples qualified with a percentage of 17% and 30 samples did not qualify with a percentage of 83% and 9 samples qualify percentage of 25%, 27 do not qualify with a percentage of 75% according to the SNI, National Standardization of Indonesia .Keyword: Oil, Peroxide, Acid

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