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Al-Hukama': Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam di Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Prodi Hukum Keluarga Islam (ahwal As-Syakhsiyyah) Fakultas Syari’ah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Jurnal ini memuat tentang kajian yang berkaitan dengan seluruh aspek Hukum Keluarga Islam di Indonesia. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun: bulan Juni dan Desember. p-ISSN: 2089-7480 , e-ISSN: 2548-8147
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Articles 343 Documents
Tradisi Menjelang Pernikahan Perspektif Paradigma Generasi Muda di Desa Brengkok, Brondong, Lamongan Fahrudin Fahrudin
AL-HUKAMA': The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2021.11.2.188-213


The younger generation is often considered to be against the establishment running in the community's social environment. For example, in the context of traditions related to ceremonial pre-wedding, there is a new perspective on these various events. For the older generation, this condition can be considered a contradiction to the legacy that has been running in society. More specifically, such a paradigm is also symptomatic among the younger generation of Brengkok Village. This study tries to dig deeper into the paradigm of the younger generation of Brengkok village. By using interview techniques with the younger generation in Brengkok village, it is hoped that they will be able to present more comprehensive data. The interviews were then analyzed using Max Weber's approach to social action theory. The paradigm that exists in the younger generation of Brengkok Village is, of course, based on rational reasons for traditions that have been established and run across generations. Something that has been considered a patent value by the older generation. When the current younger generation is in a position as the older generation, it will certainly give a different touch to the passage of traditions leading up to the wedding. The various rational reasons put forward will become considerations that have more value, which in the end, will answer the anxiety of the older generation about the existence of this tradition.
Potret Relasi Suami-Istri Jamaah Mentaok Kotagede dalam Kajian Social Exchange Mohammad Fauzan Ni'ami
AL-HUKAMA': The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2021.11.2.167-187


This article aims to explore the portrait of the husband-wife relationship of the Yogyakarta Mentaok Congregation. The discussion is preceded by a study of husband and wife in the family, followed by a picture of the relationship pattern of the Mentaok Congregation Kotagede Yogyakarta, and then the shift in roles in the family of the Mentaok congregation in a social exchange review. The method used in this article is field research which is then analyzed deductively using a social exchange approach. The results of this study illustrate at least three patterns of relations between the Mentaok congregation: first, husband and wife work, and the wife takes care of domestic work. Second, the husband and wife work while other people care for their household work. The third form is husband and wife work, and both plunge into the domestic sphere. In a review of social exchange, researchers found that there is reciprocity in the family of the Yogyakarta Kotagege Mentaok Congregation, which is mutually beneficial and, at the same time, demands a sacrifice for a family.
Construction of Wife's Permit on Polygamy Practice of Tablig Pilgrim's Mayangan Jogoroto Jombang Achmad Fageh; Ahmadun Najah
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.1.1-27


The focus of this study is the construction of the wife's license to practice polygamy on Tablig Mayangan Jombang Pilgrims. The purpose of the study is to find out the practice of polygamy Of Tablig Mayangan Pilgrims and the model of the wife's license to practice polygamy Tablig Pilgrims Mayangan. This type of field research is qualitative, using the analysis of normative legal and sociological approaches, with inductive reasoning and Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The results showed that polygamous behavior carried out by Tablig pilgrims is based on rational and sharia-laden aspects because polygamous behavior arises due to consideration of the struggle of da'wah as Tablig pilgrims. Polygamy is also considered worship for the husband and wife of Tablig worshippers. Therefore, the practice of polygamy of the husbands and husbands of Tablig pilgrims strictly follows the provisions stipulated in Law No.1 of 1974, article 4 paragraph 2 about committing the cause of polygamous marriage by obtaining the wife's permission. The construction model of the wife's license to practice polygamy Tablig pilgrims is the model of Wira'i, which considers prudence over the property of the third wife as a rich man to avoid disputes over the seizure of Gono - Gini property and so on.
Eksplorasi Metode-Metode Pengembangan Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Konteks Keluarga Abdul Haris Fitri Anto
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.1.28-60


Abstract The family context in the strengthening religious moderation policy by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has not become a top priority compared to the social and educational contexts. In the research context as well, the theme of the method of developing the religious moderation value in the family context remains limited. Therefore, this study aims to explore those themes for mapping the previous research and drawing opportunities for future research. This research is library research based on books and previous research. The results show that the methods for developing religious moderation values in the family remain limited in the mean of the number of studies, method diversity, and research type. The implications of these findings are discussed further. Keywords: Value developing method; religious moderation; family. Abstrak: Konteks keluarga dalam policy penguatan moderasi beragama oleh Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) belum menjadi prioritas utama dibandingkan konteks sosial dan pendidikan. Demikian pula dalam konteks penelitian, tema metode pengembangan nilai moderasi beragama dalam konteks keluarga masih sangat terbatas. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi hasil-hasil penelitian dari tema tersebut untuk memetakan penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan peluang bagi peneliti-peneliti berikutnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka berdasarkan buku dan penelitian terdahulu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penelitian-penelitian bertema metode pengembangan nilai moderasi beragama dalam keluarga masih terbatas dalam hal jumlah penelitian, ragam metode, dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan. Implikai dari temuan ini didiskusikan lebih lanjut. Kata Kunci: Metode pengembangan nilai; moderasi beragama; keluarga.
Kausa Penolakan Masyarakat Terhadap Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Bidang Hukum Keluarga Ardi Ardi; Musafir Abrar; Misbahudin Misbahudin; Hasyim Aidid; Samsuddin Samsuddin
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.1.94-109


This paper discusses on how the reaction of Islamic society toward the issuance of law regulation about family law. As we know that this regulation is on the constitution No 1 Year 1974 about marriage. In this paper, the author tries to describe the points of reason, so that it arouses rejection toward the regulation. This explanation uses historical approach method, which we have to get back from the starting point of the regulation issuance and how the society's reaction toward this law regulation. The primary reason of why the society rejects some important points in the regulation is because they see that in the regulation there are articles and slauses that are against and even harmful of opposite to prevalling system in Islamic law. So does in discussing about the legislation, there are some opinions expecially for those who wants the legislation of such regulation can be applied to all of Indonesian society without offending their religions. However as the times evolve, legislating the regulation has essence to support the continuity of Islamic law within the society. The society is able to receive the regulation without reducing the existing limitations of Islamic system.
Analisis Hukum Islam terhadap Perkawinan Sirri di Ketegan, Sepanjang, Sidoarjo Muflikhatul Khoiroh; Imron Mustofa; Mila Rosyidah
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.1.61-93


This research is based on the unregistered marriages phenomenon in Ketegan, Sepanjang, Sidorajo. Marriage is considered as an instant solution to juvenile delinquency, which has the potential to be promiscuous. There are two issues to be confirmed through this research: first, the attitude or response of the people in Ketegan to the practice of unregistered marriage that has taken place in their environment; Second, critical analysis of the phenomenon of unregistered Marriage on Islamic law’s perspective. This is field research, with a critical analysis method of data obtained. The data was collected through interviews with subjects, their parents, and several community leaders who had direct contact with them. This research found two conclusions: first, the people of Ketegan Village don’t seem to care about this kind of marriage. This is influenced by the variety of Ketegan people's mindsets and various tribes, majority of Madurese. However, peoples' view on unregistered marriages are mostly strained by problems threatening family honor. Second, The Islamic law analysis concludes unregistered marriage as illegal for not complying with the provisions of Law no. 1 of 1974 about marriage. This marriage potentially causes the rights and mate to be unfulfilled. In short, unregistered marriage has the potential to create injustice, contrary to the most fundamental principle of Islamic law, justice (al-'adālah).
Peran Wanita Untuk Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Pemikiran Islam Klasik Dan Kontemporer Elva Imeldatur Rohmah; Arif Jamaluddin Malik
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.2.96-112


Abstract : This research under tittle “The Existence of Women to Realize the Sakinah Family in Classical and Contemporary Scholars Thought” is a type of library research using a qualitative approach and a comparative descriptive method. The data sources of this research consist of primary sources from the books of Uqudullijain, Fathul Mu'in, Fathul Qorib, Al-Majmu' Syarah Al-Muhadzdzab, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Qur'an According to Women, The Rights of Women in Islam, Major Themes of Qur'an, Woman and Islam, and Feminism and Women Empowerment in Islamic Scales. The secondary sources in this study are other books that examine women and the sakinah family. The results of this study explain that women in their lives have roles, among others, as a wife, mother, and career woman. In classical Islamic thought, a woman is like a queen in her husband's house. The husband is obliged to meet all the needs of his wife, even in terms of preparing food, washing clothes, and all other aspects of household tasks. Meanwhile, a wife has an obligation to serve her husband's sexual needs, be obedient and obedient to her husband, accompany her husband, and manage all household matters. Women are only described as having a domestic role within the scope of their household. Meanwhile, according to contemporary Islamic thought, men and women have the same values ​​and positions. So it has a logical consequence that women are able to take part in the public sector like a man. Women who only take part in the domestic sector or carry out multiple roles at the same time still have a great opportunity to create a sakinah family. This can be done by straightening the intention and basing everything on Allah SWT; understand your partner well; understand each other's roles and duties; foster affection among family members; maintain communication, open and familiarize deliberation; be fair; and always increase patience and gratitude. Abstrak : Penelitian dengan judul “Eksistensi Wanita Untuk Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Pandangan Ulama Klasik dan Kontemporer” ini merupakan jenis riset kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif metode deskriptif komparatif. Sumber data penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber primer yang berasal dari kitab Uqudullijain, Fathul Mu’in, Fathul Qorib, Al-Majmu’ Syarah Al-Muhadzdzab, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Qur'an Menurut Perempuan, The Rights of Women in Islam, Major Themes of Qur’an, Woman and Islam, dan  Feminisme dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dalam Timbangan Islam. Adapun sumber sekunder pada penelitian ini adalah buku-buku lain yang mengkaji tentang wanita dan keluarga sakinah. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa wanita dalam kehidupannya memiliki peran antara lain sebagai seorang istri, ibu, dan wanita karier. Dalam pandangan ulama klasik, wanita bagaikan seorang ratu di rumah suaminya. Suami wajib mencukupi segala macam kebutuhan istrinya, bahkan dalam hal menyiapkan makanan, mencuci pakaian, dan segala aspek tugas rumah tangga yang lainnya. Sedangkan seorang istri memiliki kewajiban untuk melayani kebutuhan seksual suaminya, taat dan patuh pada suaminya, mendampingi suami, serta mengatur segala urusan rumah tangga. Wanita hanya digambarkan memiliki peran domestik dalam lingkup rumah tangganya saja. Sedangkan menurut pandangan ulama kontemporer, laki-laki maupun wanita memiliki nilai dan kedudukan yang sama. Sehingga hal tersebut memiliki konsekuensi logis bahwa wanita pun mampu berkiprah di sektor publik selayaknya seorang laki-laki. Wanita yang hanya berkiprah di sektor domestik ataupun menjalani peran ganda sekaligus tetap memiliki kesempatan yang besar untuk mewujudkan keluarga sakinah. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan cara meluruskan niat dan melandaskan segala hal pada Allah Swt; memahami pasangan dengan baik; memahami peran dan tugas masing-masing; menumbuhkan kasih sayang antar anggota keluarga; menjaga komunikasi, terbuka dan membiasakan musyawarah; bersikap adil; serta selalu memperbanyak sabar dan syukur.
Pernikahan Endogami Jemaat Ahmadiyah Yogyakarta Perspektif Maqashid Al-Shari'ah Sahrul Hidayatullah
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.2.1-20


Abstrack : The marriage rule in the form of a prohibition on marrying someone other than Ahmadiyah (endogamy) is a special regulation regulated in an institution called Rishta Nata. The regulation is oriented towards maintaining the family in order to form a uniform view of life in the household of the Ahmadiyah congregation, so as to create a happy family  harmony under the auspices of the Ahmadiyya teachings. This study will examine the endogamous marriage regulation system in the Ahmadiyya congregation, the aim is to analyze the function of the rules in the family and community scope of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in Yogyakarta. This research is a field research which also includes qualitative with a phenomenological-sociological approach that uses the theory of Maqāṣid al-Sharī'ah Jamaluddin Athiyah. The conclusion of this study is that the Ahmadiyya Jamaat's endogamous marriage in the family dimension according to the maqāṣid al-sharī'ah Jamaluddin Athiyah can be understood from the seven spaces of movement as follows; First, maintain the pattern of relationships between husband and wife. Second, preserving the existence and purity of the Ahmadiyya Community. Third, maintain the peace and integrity of the family of the Ahmadiyya Community. Fourth, maintain the purity of the family lineage. Fifth, preserving the ideology of the Ahmadiyya Community in the family environment. Sixth, maintain the principles and patterns of family relationships. Seventh, protecting family economic disparities and alleviating poverty.  Abstrak : Aturan pernikahan yang berupa larangan menikah dengan selain Ahmadiyah (endogami) merupakan peraturan khusus yang diatur dalam sebuah lembaga yang bernama Rishta Nata. Aturan tersebut berorientasi pada pemeliharaan keluarga agar terbentuk keseragaman pandangan hidup dalam rumah tangga jemaat Ahmadiyah, sehingga tercipta keluarga yang harmonis dibawah naungan ajaran Ahmadiyah. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang sistem peraturan pernikahan endogami di jemaat Ahmadiyah, tujuannya untuk menganalisa fungsi aturan dalam ruang lingkup keluarga dan komunitas Jemaat Ahmadiyah di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian field research yang juga termasuk kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis-sosiologis yang menggunakan teori Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah Jamaluddin Athiyah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pernikahan endogami Jemaat Ahmadiyah dalam dimensi keluarga menurut maqāṣid al-sharī’ah Jamaluddin Athiyah dapat dipahami dari tujuh ruang gerak sebagai berikut; Pertama, menjaga pola hubungan antar suami-istri. Kedua, melestarikan eksistensi dan kemurnian Jemaat Ahmadiyah. Ketiga, menjaga ketentraman dan keutuhan keluarga Jemaat Ahmadiyah. Keempat, memelihara kemurnian nasab keluarga. Kelima, melestarikan ideologi Jemaat Ahmadiyah di lingkungan keluarga. Keenam, menjaga prinsip dan pola hubungan keluarga. Ketujuh, melindungi kesenjangan ekonomi keluarga serta mengentaskan kemiskinan.
Progresifitas Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Pengujian Batasan Usia Perkawinan Syaifullahil Maslul
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.1.127-140


Abstract : Research aim for investigate progressive Court Constitution in Test limitation age marriage . Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law Year 1/1974 has been give birth to form discrimination to female . This thing reflected from difference set age . _ Age limit marriage for Men is 19 years and 16) years for woman . To problematic this submit trial in Court Constitution . Later problem _ faced is Court Constitution no allowed by principles and stance for test Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law which is a Open legal policy (Open legal policy). Purpose of study this is for knowing progressive Court Constitution in cut off case that . Study this is study normative with approach conceptual and approach regulation legislation . Result of Study this show that Court Constitution To do progress law with leave principles and stance . Court Constitution please receive application in decision the though Article tested  is Open legal policy Abstrak : Penelitiannya bertujuan untuk menyelidiki progresifitas Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Pengujian batasan usia perkawinan. Pasal 7 ayat  (1) UU Perkawinan Tahun 1/1974 telah melahirkan bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan. Hal ini tercermin dari perebadaan usia yang diatur. Batasan usia perkawinan bagi pria adalah 19 (sembilan belas) tahun dan 16 (enam belas) tahun bagi wanit. Terhadap problematika ini diajukanlah pengujian di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Masalah yang kemudian dihadapi adalah Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak diperkenankan secara prinsip dan pendirian untuk menguji Pasal 7 ayat (1) UU Perkawinan yang merupakan Kebijakan Hukum Terbuka (Open legal policy). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui progresifitas Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam memutus perkara tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil dari Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi melakukan progrsifitas hukum dengan meninggalkan prinsip dan pendiriannya. Mahkamah Konstitusi berkenan mengambulkan permohonan dalam putusan tersebut meskipun Pasal yang diujikan adalah Kebijakan Hukum Terbuka (Open legal policy).
Pemenuhan Hak Anak di Negara-negara Rumpun Melayu Nafi Mubarok
AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2022.12.2.21-46


Abstract : United Nations ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1089. It is a form of legal protection for children to meet children's rights in UN member countries. As a UN convention, it has coercive power on all UN member states to sign and ratify the Convention. The topic of child rights becomes interesting when the discussion focuses on countries with a long historical culture and civilization. One of them is the Malay civilization, namely Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, all are members of the United Nations. This paper presents the finding related to the agreement of the Malay community to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the follow-up of that agreement in its implementation in the legal system of these countries. At the end of the article, it is concluded that: (1) four countries belonging to the Malay family, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, have agreed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), but with the application of reservation rights for Malaysia and Brunei; (2) four countries have passed child laws; and (3) the diversity of age limits for children in the four countries. Abstrak : Pada tahun 1089 Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa mengesahkannya sebagai Kovensi Hak Anak (Convention of Rights of The Child), yang bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap anak, sebagai upaya pemenuhan terhadap hak-hak anak di negara-negara anggota PBB. Sebagai konvensi PBB, maka mempunyai kekuatan memaksa pada semua Negara anggota PBB untuk menandatangani dan meratifikasi konvensi tersebut. Menjadi menarik ketika difokuskan pada negara-negara yang mempunyai sejarah panjang, terutama mempunyai kesamaan rumpun dan budaya. Salah satunya adalah negara rumpun Melayu, yaitu Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Singapura, yang kesemuanya merupakan anggota PBB. Dalam konteks inilah tulisan ini hadir, yaitu untuk mengetahui persetujuan negara-negara rumun Melayu terhadap Konvensi Hak Anak, dan tindak lanjut dari persetujuan tersebut dalam implementasinya dalam system hukum negara-negara tersebut. Di akhir tulisan disimpulkan bahwa: (1) empat negara rumpun Melayu, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei, telah menyepakati dan meratifikasi Konvensi Hak Anak (CRC), namun dengan pemberlakuan hak reservasi untuk Malaysia dan Brunei; (2) empat negara telah mengesahkan undang-undang anak; dan (3) adanya keberagaman batasan usia anak di empat negara tersebut.